• Member Since 16th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen July 6th


They/them | 18+ | A random reader/writer | Welcome everypony to my little corner~

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My plans '24 · 2:07am April 18th

As the title says; here's my outline on my doings regarding this site:

Step 1) Read/re-read anything involving my Read Later or Track list. Favorite list also but, only if I'm feeling nostalgic and the story in question is still around :unsuresweetie:

Step 2) Keep an eye out for any interesting stories and add them to my lists :yay:

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My Track List

Comments ( 74 )
  • Viewing 70 - 74 of 74

Heh, It's ok and thank you :twilightsmile:

Hello sir/ma'am/mr/ms/mrs/nonbinary-bro! I see you're an OG (2013! Wow! I should give some respect) and all I wanted to say is, I love your profile picture! Thats all, I'm so sorry for sending you a useless message, it's kinda what I do.

idk but, wouldn't a better question be "why not"?

Thanks for the watch :twilightsmile: what drove you to such madness?

  • Viewing 70 - 74 of 74
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