• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2015

Donnys Boy

My name is Donny's Boy. I ship ponies.


Writing Prompt! · 11:52am Apr 30th, 2015

As some of you may know, I used to help moderate an MLP writing prompt blog called Thirty Minute Pony Stories. Though that blog has now shut its doors, Esle-Ynopemos has carried on the grand Thirty Minute Pony Stories tradition here at Fimfiction.net. (And has been doing a bang-up job, too, may I add.) As Esle is but one pony fanficcer, versus an entire team, the prompts post once a week, on Thursdays, rather than every day.

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"Who Is Pinkie Pie?" over at bookplayer's blog · 2:50am Dec 31st, 2014

Read what me and a bunch of other fanficcers have to say about THE BESTEST OF PONIES over at bookplayer’s Fimfiction blog!

Sayeth bookplayer: “This is one of the most exciting entries. Mostly because Pinkie Pie authors are CRAZY.”

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Soooooo, How 'Bout That SunLight, Huh? · 3:12am Dec 19th, 2014

Truly, I am a prophet among shippers. I was mocked for my adoration of SunLight after the first EG movie, but everyone's singing a different tune now, aren't they? AREN'T THEY?

Also, this is the biannual reminder/reassurance that I am not dead. In case that was something you were wondering about.

Happy almost 2015, y'all. :)

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Love Songs in the Key of FiM: The Complete Album · 11:31pm Jul 15th, 2014

Since the album’s finally complete, I thought I’d do a master post for it. One of the most interesting parts of the experience has been that, in reviewing the songs, I think my singing improved more than my guitar-playing did. I hadn’t expected that at all—if anything, I thought the reverse would be true.

Also, the songs I recorded using an actual separate mic came out sounding worse than the songs I recorded using the built-in mic on my laptop. Go figure.

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Love Songs in the Key of FiM: Complete! · 5:29pm Jun 17th, 2014

Some of you who've known me a while may remember my ongoing project to write and record a love song for every inter-Mane Six ship. Today, after almost two and a half years, I've finally finished. Here are the last three songs that complete the album. (As always, the entire album can be found on my SoundCloud page.)

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Story Reading: "Almost Beautiful" · 2:31am Jun 15th, 2014

The Living Library Player Society recently did a live reading of my RariLight story "Almost Beautiful," and it can be found here for your listening pleasure. Many thanks to TLLPS for both choosing my story to read and for letting me know about it! (Extra bonus points are awarded to the reader who actually sang the snippet of "A Thousand Years" that I quoted before the story began.)

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Love Songs in the Key of FiM: RariLight and AppleShy · 5:58pm Apr 24th, 2014

For those who may not have been around long enough to know—or who’ve just forgotten—I have a long-running project, entitled Love Songs in the Key of FiM, to write and record a love song for each of the fifteen different Mane Six ships. Up to now, I’ve posted songs for RainbowPie, RariJack, FlutterDash, AppleDash, TwiPie,

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Thirty Minute Pony Stories: Legacy Prompt #1 · 8:42pm Feb 27th, 2014

Recently Thirty Minute Pony Stories, the pony writing prompt blog for which I moderated for a few years and over 500 prompts, closed up shop. A number of TMP followers, however, have decided to carry on with follower-submitted prompts in the TMP group here on Fimfiction. The very first legacy prompt has been posted, and it can be found

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Story Recommendations of the Day: Happy Belated Valentine's Day Edition! · 7:23pm Feb 15th, 2014

Here's some of the stuff I've been reading and enjoying lately! I hope you like it too!

As for what I myself have been writing ... I have been writing lately, actually. I'm about 10,000 words into a multi-chaptered story set in Season 4, and with any luck, I should have that ready to go with the next month or so.

There will be TwiJack, of all things. Madness!

"The Lavender Letter" by Sunchaser

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Donny's Ultimate Pony Shipping Playlist · 4:51pm Jan 25th, 2014

FlutterPie: "Places to Rest" by Riki Lindhome/"Lost at Sea" by the Bangles/"The Art of Succinct Compliments" by Summertime's End

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