• Member Since 30th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Aug 14th, 2023

Sinful Gold

We'll write or draw anything for you. Even wholesome, consensual cuddle-sex. If we have to.

Blog Posts

  • 190 weeks
    YCH #2 - Gangrape: The NNN Tease

    Hello, again! I admit I hadn't expected to be back here so soon, but after the success of the first YCH, which filled up within an hour, I had another idea that's a little time-sensitive. So here we are!

    Once again I'm here to offer spots in a story, though this one is a standalone fic with no relation to any of my previous work. And it's a kink that everybody can enjoy: gangrape!

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    0 comments · 474 views
  • 191 weeks
    YCH #1 - Snuff: The Guard and The Customer

    Hello, deviants! Today I'm trying something a little new.

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    1 comments · 476 views
  • 255 weeks

    Welcome, dreamers! We are Gerrick and Mirror Image, a duo of creative perverts with a dearth of morals and a glut of greed. She draws, and he writes, and we figure, why not apply those talents in the pursuit of mutual enrichment? We get richer in funds, but you get richer in perverted tales told with all your favorite characters!

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    4 comments · 1,108 views

YOUR EVERY FANTASY REALIZED · 2:20pm Aug 31st, 2019

Welcome, dreamers! We are Gerrick and Mirror Image, a duo of creative perverts with a dearth of morals and a glut of greed. She draws, and he writes, and we figure, why not apply those talents in the pursuit of mutual enrichment? We get richer in funds, but you get richer in perverted tales told with all your favorite characters!

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Report Sinful Gold · 1,108 views ·
Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
Comment posted by fechlin deleted Jun 30th, 2023

I love you 🥺

Hey are your commissions open right now? I got a steamy hot fic idea you're the perfect guy for.

Comment posted by Lightning Scratch deleted Jun 22nd, 2021

I recently cleared most of my slate, so the current price is just $22/k. But I sometimes give discounts for long fics or ones that particularly interest me! It's always free to pitch an idea.

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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