• Member Since 25th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


A simple fanfic writer. Creating for the enjoyment of others and for the enjoyment of being creative.

Latest Stories

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.”
~ Richard Bach

About Me.

Name's Lucy, formally Molly Rose, She/Her.

I'm a writer turned Minecraft Twitch streamer.

I've written many fanfics over the years, mostly for my own personal reasons. Aroace and living the life I can. I've been writing since 2015-2016 and I never plan to stop. I also own a Tumblr and Twitter so head down there, it's under the name Lucy_Marigold and I stream almost daily on Twitch under the same name.

(Bio last updated 2022.)

Blog Posts

  • 208 weeks
    A Break.

    For the sake of my mental health, and the betterment of myself as a whole, I won't be writing, let alone updating, my stories.

    A Hiatus, a break. Time away from the internet as a whole.

    There have been some recent events in my personal life that have caused me to question myself and I seriously need to re-evaluate myself right now.

    I'll update you all when I can.

    2 comments · 199 views
Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28

Hey! I’m an old member of this site, and my account was deleted (by me). I thought that I could pay you a little visit since I have been away for a long while.

Has your health improved? I wonder.

Anyway, have a nice day!

Well, that's criticism in a nutshell. Sometimes people just don't like it. And sometimes they don't quite know what they don't like about something.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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