• Member Since 6th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen July 2nd


Wanted on several counts of excessive meta jokes

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Commisions Open · 1:40pm May 6th, 2017

So, I'm still working on Partyworld, and I'm sorry to say that its been an ordeal. I currently have to start over from the beginning and revamp the entire story since, as it is now, it makes no sense. This is why I appreciate feedback. You guys keep me in line with what you specifically want to see and how I can provide it to you.

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Report TopWanted · 432 views ·
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Any progress on Partyworld? I hope for a yes.

You're completely welcome. I'm just eager to see how our group of Ponexiles will do in getting out of the crazy situation they got themselves in in "Ponyverse." Hope you can come up with a new story to continue that.

You want to know the problem that forced me to start over? I had originally planned for the story to be a collaborative effort, but no one seemed to show any interest, thus I had to begin writing all the secondary and sub stories myself. I really wanted to flesh out a world. Unfortunately, I discovered that attempting that on my own burned me out something fierce. I currently have about a fourth of the actual project written and haven't written anything in months. Whether that's from personal matters I'd not like to get into, my job, or the fact that I've begun to get back into drawing, it doesn't matter. You probably shouldn't expect Partyworld anytime soon. Thank you so much for being a fan though and I wish I could give you a follow up. Maybe I'll write something again, maybe not. Either way, thanks for reading :fluttershysad: :ajsleepy:

Shame about you having to start the story again. But hopefully it'll be better and you can publish that first chapter soon. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for that. Honestly, thank you. It's taken a while for anyone to really tell me that since putting it up. I know I sound stuck up but actually hearing that your doing good helps inspire a writer along. Commenting helps so much more then liking.
This might get me out of my slump, thank you so much!

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Commisions Open · 1:40pm May 6th, 2017

So, I'm still working on Partyworld, and I'm sorry to say that its been an ordeal. I currently have to start over from the beginning and revamp the entire story since, as it is now, it makes no sense. This is why I appreciate feedback. You guys keep me in line with what you specifically want to see and how I can provide it to you.

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Report TopWanted · 432 views ·