• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike and Starlight. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.



This story is a sequel to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If?

Back by popular demand, this is the second installment that seeks to answer the question "What if that episode had been written differently?"

This time, we're including episodes from Season 4 as well as a few Seasons 1-3 episodes that didn't make the cut last time around.

As always, I mean no disrespect to the DHX staff responsible for the episodes, or the people who like the episodes listed. But the episodes included are my personal opinion, and I ask that you all respect them.

So if you don't like that an episode you liked is on the list, or an episode you didn't like is not on the list, then don't read.

Thank you,

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 156 )

5761692 The list has been set in advance, so I'm sorry to say that "Power Ponies" will not be on the list of episodes rewritten. The same goes for any and all Season 5 episodes that air before this fic is concluded, should any turn out bad.

Please Please Please tell me you are planning on doing Pinkie Pride :raritystarry:

5762484 No. Why exactly would you want "Pinkie Pride" to be rewritten, I might like to know?

5762497 Not saying it's bad or anything, in fact, it's one of my favorites of the series, but I think the way the mane 6 acted could have been fixed, and I also think Cheese should have been allowed more time to interact neighBour's, other that explaining what he did in one song, the again,this episode may be hard to do because it's a musical.

Comment posted by insolentboi deleted Mar 21st, 2015

5762703 yeah, sorry about that, ill delete one of those.

"TLC as in Tender Loving Care, or Totally Lost Cause?" Scootaloo asked, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

All of my f*cking yes.

"If you're as fast as you claim that shouldn't be a problem, or am I mistaken in assuming you and your scooter are up for this important assignment?" Apple Bloom asked.

Clever filly.

"All I did was cast a spell to lighten your burden a little." Rarity explained "It's a spell I use quite often when dealing with heavy fabrics. It removes some of the weight, making the object lighter and easier to lift. Or in this case, it reduces the amount of drag your wagon will apply to your scooter. You should find it much easier to carry all of that stuff back to Sweet Apple Acres, without wearing yourself out."

That, actually a pretty useful spell.

"With acrobatics like that, I'd be surprised if you didn't join them at some point." Apple Bloom admitted.

Agreed, that was impressive.

"Well, if it weren't for the fact that I'm still taking singing lessons I'd totally do the theme song the way I wanted it." Scootaloo explained "Alas, I'm much better at dancing."

I doubt Scoots is the type to say alas.

"It was a team effort." Apple Bloom replied "We all pitched in and helped out. If I'd tried to take this on alone, I don't I could've done it."

You mean to type I don't THINK I could've done it.

"I think Applejack's right." Apple Bloom explained "We learned that, by workin' together and utlizing each other's strengths, we can do things that we couldn't accomplish individually."

I feel like you're making Apple Bloom too verbose, Sweetie Belle's the dictionary. Not to mention it's utIlizing.

Three's A Crowd

Well, that's gonna be risky, considering that I suspect that if you cut out Glass of Water, I sense fanrage will ensue. I know it's not THAT good, but it IS the one Discord song in the show, so, just thought I'd offer that.

5767145 Well, I can only hope people will give my rewritten version a chance when it comes out.


If it helps, I will. I think the main problem with the episode is not so much what's in it, but the pacing as it starts off rather slow, mind you once it gets to the good part it's fantastic, but the pacing makes it suffer a bit.

5773523 Well, Spoiler Alert!: Discord isn't going to be in the episode at all. I feel like his role was pointless, and just showed that only Fluttershy would even care if he was actually sick. So I get the feeling a lot of people are going to hate that rewrite, when I get around to it.

Assuming that my "Bats!" rewrite doesn't tick people off first.


Er, not to sound rude, but, I'm pretty sure that's a terrible idea. The whole point of Three's a Crowd was that it was a Discord episode, a Discord episode without Discord? Again, not to be rude, but I suspect that may not be such a smart move.

"And now the punch has been... 'spiked'!" Pinkie Pie chuckled. Everypony laughed.

Goddammit Nappa.

frozen gasses.

Pretty sure it's gases. One s.

"Of course I'm sure." Twilight said confidently, but she should've asked Spike what he thought before finalizing her decision.

As right as this is, this feels a bit, clumsy.



to how shake.

How to shake.

"I've felt better, but I'll live." Spike replied "Nothing's broken."

Not surprised, dragon scales or not, that caught him totally off guard and I suspect that falling down from that ladder, dragon or not must be annoying but, from the looks of it, like you said, he's more angry at himself for falling than actually hurt It pays to be nigh indestructible.

"Maybe I'm being a little too hard on Owlowiscious."

A little, yes. Your jealousy is understandable, but you are being a bit too harsh.

"Then why don't I believe you?!" Spike asked, folding his arms across his chest "Maybe it's because ever since that stupid Owlowiscious moved in, you've only cared about him! You claim that you care about me, but in reality you could care less what I do. All that matters is who you can assert your authority over."

Uh, Spike, kid, you're treading into dangerous waters right now... I get that you're mad and trust me, I've been in your same position many times, but just try and keep a cool head before something bad happens, please, for your own sake.

"I love you Spike, I love you like a mother loves her son." Twilight admitted, tears began to work their way down her cheeks "That's something that will never change, no matter what. Sometimes, you can make it hard to love you. But no matter what, you will always hold a special place in my heart. No one could ever replace you, even when you're being a jealous numbskull."


"I'm sorry." Spike apologized "I never should've been jealous of Owlowiscious. And I shouldn't have said what I did."
"I'm sorry too Spike. I should've been more sensitive." Twilight replied.

Agreed. You both screwed up.

"I thought you knew."

Ah, THAT line, the same line I'm sure all of us have heard many many times over the course of our lives and no matter how true it may be, it never stops being annoying.

"Do you forgive me?" Twilight repeated "I'll understand if you say no, I was a terrible mother."

More like mother figure/big sister figure, really, but fair enough, besides, you're both young, we all make mistakes.

Up next are Dragon Quest and Spike At Your Service, the two other Spike centric episodes that were handled, poorly. Personally, I don't think ALL dragons are like the 3 bullies we see, there are teenagers and teens can be jerks, however, the red dragon was willing to be reasonable and was only antagonistic mainly because Rainbow kicked him in the face, which admittedly would piss of pretty much anyone. As for Spike At Your Service, for whatever reason, it showed him being terrible at stuff he was previously shown to have done well which is, weird. On the plus side, his dragon code thing is kinda cute.

5777604 Well, "Dragon Quest" suffers from excessive sterotypes and turning the mane six into a-holes (Merriweather Williams strikes again), and "Spike at Your Service" suffers from turning Spike into a complete idiot who can't even do basic chores without screwing up (and people think Derpy is offensive, at least she's not messing up on things she's supposedly done her entire life).

Luckily, Rainbow Dash wasn't hurt. But her face was now covered in soot. "I suppose I asked for that one." she said weakly.

You kinda did


Smug only has one G.

"Big words coming from the mare who charged head first into a fight with a dragon, and got her tail kicked pretty badly." Spike said, brushing off Rainbow Dash's concerns.

Yeah. not her brightest move.



The other teenage dragons laughed, apparently they took great delight in the misfortune of ponies. "That's a good one. But wait until you hear this." a bulky teenage dragon with brown skin and purple scales said in between laughs "So, a pony, a zebra, and a donkey, walk into a store. And the shopkeeper asks 'Why the long faces?'."

Ugh, THESE guys.

"Sure looked that way to me." the purple teenage replied "You've got some nerve doing that to our pack leader. Didn't anyone ever teach you anything about the pecking order?"

Pecking order. Do I even have to make the joke?

"I think so." "Garble" whispered in reply "I really hate to admit it, but he's actually got some skill. He might just be a true dragon after all, with a little bit of encouragement from us of course."

Oh great, THIS again.

Spike felt fairly proud. These teenage dragons had gone from shunning him, to welcoming him, in a very short span of time. Not only that, but they had promised to teach him what it meant to be a real dragon. But he already had reason to be wary of them, he could only hope that they didn't hate ponies as much as he thought they did.

And cue things going wrong.

"Sweet." the purple teenage dragon cheered "I call dibs on smashing the eggs!"

*revs up anti dragon chainsaw* Try it buddy.



Barb nodded "You're looking at the very ruler of this kingdom, King Daniel II. I'm Princess Barb, daughter of King Daniel and Queen Emily. My brother is Prince Crackle."
"As in, the same Crackle that has gems stuck in his skin?" Spike asked.

You're not f*cking serious.




Wisdom, no extra I.


Chariot. No extra I.

Twilight and her friends were busy drowning their sorrows in milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner. Spike may have only been gone for the better half of two months, but his abscence had tough to live with.

Whoah whoah whoah whoah. Whoah. 2 MONTHS?! You realize that's a 6th of the time between the Season 1 premiere and the Season 4 premiere? That's a lot of time. And absence.



While this is an interesting rewrite, it's riddled with spelling mistakes. I honestly suggest that next time, you run it on a Word doc and use spell check.

5819841 I see each season as being the equivalent of a year. There's no way 3 seasons worth of episodes can be crammed into a single year. It's just not possible.

5820028 Not all of these are on my least favorite episodes list. And in any case, the show writer show know better than to write what they did in those episodes. I mean no disrespect, I'm simply trying to correct their mistakes. If at all possible, I would love to send these installments to them as a way of showing them how they can improve.

Awesome job on Dragon quest


Tell that to the one who wrote that line. And still, 2 months is a long time.

A Friend In Deed was rather mean spirited.

Magically Mystery Cure was a summary of an episode, not an actual episode; and at least two of the songs were big lipped alligator moments. What My Cutie Mark Is Telling me was a brilliant way to introduce the conflict but that idiotic episode used that to portray the episode.

Bats! had a moral I'd expect from PETA, and apparently this episode thinks it's wrong to come up with compromises.

Testing Testing 1 2 3 did nothing right. RD should already know the material, in fact she should be teaching THEM the history of the Wonderbolts not the other way around; Sweet And Elite showed that Rarity knows everything she knows about them from RD but this episode says that she knows more than RD, and apparently Amy Keating Rogers believes country people are stupid since she had AJ not know. It should have been Scootaloo instead of RD, RD instead of Twilight, and Cheerilee instead of the Wonderbolts. In theory the moral is talking about how people need to learn things their way, but instead it came off as "it's okay to be a disruptive punk at school and if you fail because of that it's the teacher's fault not yours; and it's okay to force people to do things they don't want to do." Last but not necessarily least, rap is an evil form of music, having Pinkie rap is like having Fluttershy (or somepony) dress as a member of the KKK.

Rainbow Falls thinks that just because Fluttershy is a Pegasus means she's an athlete; that sounds like the Equestrian equivalent to saying that all Asian people know martial arts.

5843093 I will agree that "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3" should've been a Scootaloo episode and not a Rainbow Dash one. But I think the reason why Amy used Rainbow Dash was because the moral about how there's more than one style of learning would resonate better with the target audience if they saw someone like Rainbow Dash going through the same thing they go through on a daily basis. If it were a kid character like Scootaloo, the target audience would just think that said kid was lucky or an exception. That being said, the moral is too optimistic in regards to American schools. Until they shift their focus away from testing, they will continue to hold back anyone that doesn't comply with their methods of learning. There is hope though, seeing as a lot of parents are starting to rebel against the education system's insistence on testing.

5843734 And so that episode justifies not trying and thus is a very bad episode. And like I said, RD knows that material but not in this episode just to make that plot happen. It may actually be the second worst episode of the show, number 1 most defiantly being Magical Mystery Cure.

1. Twilight had no right to force RD to play school.
2. RD was a jerk. If she behaves like this when she's studying then why would the Wonderbolts want her? She should be trying but she refuses to try and just wants good things to happen to her with no effort whatsoever. This episode is Mare Do Well level flanderization.
3. RD should already know the material better than all of them, or at least more than Rarity and Pinkie Pie, but for this episode and this episode only RD is ignorant of what she fangirls over.
4. Rap is racist.
5. Applejack not knowing in this episode is Amy Keating Rogers downright stating that country people are stupid.
6. The happy ending is not deserved, RD should be trying but she isn't.
7. Rancid moral stating that it's okay to be a disruptive punk at school and when you fail because of it it's the teacher's fault.

5843810 I honestly think that Rainbow Dash is trying, though it could've been convied to the audience a lot better. And both Rarity and Applejack could've been cut out of the episode entirely without the episode losing anything other than a few jokes.

I can't wait for Bats! This was actually really good. I like the redesign of this episode, and how it focused more on Spike as a character and not made him so incompetent.

5850804 Thanks, but "Bats!" isn't the next episode on the rewrite list. Next up is "Just for Sidekicks" and "Games Ponies Play". "Just For Sidekicks" will actually change into the Rarity episode of Season 3 that never was, and will have Spike in the Crystal Empire with the mane six. That's all you need to know for now.

"Oh relax Twilight, no offense but you worry too much." Spike replied "I'll manage just fine."

And cue shenanigans in 3, 2, 1...

"I'm just making sure you're aware." Twilight said to Spike "If anything happened to you out there, I'd be devestated. You know I see you as my son."

DevAstated. Also, this feels a bit, clunky to me, maybe instead (just suggesting) "You're like a son to me." I dunno, just thinking out loud.

"Spike please, come back unharmed." Twilight called "I came close to losing you for good in The Crystal Empire, I don't want anymore scares like that."

Any more. 2 words.

Then, in the distance, Spike spotted a familiar sight. It was the light pink and purple hot air balloon that could be rented out to whoever wanted to use it. "Of course, the hot air balloon!" Spike exclaimed, and raced over to it "This will be so much better than walking there on my own claws, and when I've picked up the ingredients I can just fly right back out of The Everfree Forest in a matter of seconds."

My shenanigans sense is tingling.

The timberwolves looked at Spike, growling slightly and licking their chops. It was obvious what they intended to do. Fortunately for Spike, he quickly remembered that he could breath fire. Without wasting time, he took a deep breath and blew it out, setting the paw of one of the timberwolves on fire. Said timberwolf cried out in pain, and raced off to extinguish the flame.

YES! You remembered! Thank you!

"I guess this is it." he thought to himself, as he shut his eyes and waited for the end to come "Never thought it would end like this."

Yeah, timberwolves are made of wood, and you're a dragon, your scales are nearly indestructible. Isincerely doubt they'd be able to harm you.



"He can't replace the hole in my heart that you'll occupy." Twilight said sadly, trying her best to hold back tears.

Yeah, I know what you're doing, but this isn't in the slightest bit subtle. It feels a bit forced honestly.

great and nobel


"Oh my stars, I don't think I've ever tasted a pie as lovely as this!" Rarity exclaimed, when she had sampled a piece of the pie.
"Thanks, I helped to bake it." Spike explained.


"Yeah, I am." Rainbow Dash quicky replied. She knew Applejack was a terrible actor, so she had to make this up as she went along in order for Spike not to suspect anything. "So instead of hay, I'm gonna smash through rocks!"

Uh Dash, that's not a good idea.

"Ooh, I don't think that's a very good Dashie." Pinkie Pie said nervously, arriving on scene "I know rocks, and trust me, they're not something you can just smash your way through."

Very good IDEA. Also, considering Pinkie was a rock farmer, this is pretty clever.

"If she needed help, I think she'd realize it." Pinkie Pie replied "Applejack's not one to get in over her head."

Applebuck Season.

Spike switching from AJ to Rarity? That's an AWFUL solution.

5852904 It's not that awful if you think about it. Spike would do anything to make Rarity happy, and as I showed here, Rarity would be more than willing to reward Spike for his help.

5852930 Well, you got me there. I didn't think of that, probably would've been a more practical solution for Applejack.

5853341 If you look at the list of episode to rewrite you should know already that the answer to that is "Nope!". I'll admit Power Ponies isn't entirely flawless, but for it's worth I still consider a good episode and leagues above the unholy Spike triology.

Your face is mean spirited you just didnt like that pinkie was trying to be friendly yeah the way she went at it was going too far but its no excuse for you be an ass about it. Heaven forbid someone is nice to me AAAHHH IT BURNS OH GOD THE FRIENDLINESS IT BURNS! gah! suck it up you cynical friendship hating brat this is a show about friendship not being a cynical asshole. You want cynical asshole instead? go watch a different show.:flutterrage: I hope you dont hit someone just because they said good morning to you. I can see people who hated what pinkie did to cranky as the types to growl at someone just because they smiled at them and said hi or good morning. I had a customer threaten me just because i told him to have a good day and you remind me of him because of your attitude with being friendly as being mean spirited. Funny someone who watches a show about friendship doesn't like a character for trying to make friends. I am not apologizing to this dimbfuck anyone who calls a friend in deed mean spirited can kindly go throw themselves off a cliff. Only cynical people who probably punch babies and growl at you when you say good morning to them hated this episode.

the dumb ass who called a friend in deed mean spirited probably punches people who say hi and good morning to him and he probably kicks puppies for looking happy. Stay away from he's a very toxic person who thinks trying to be your friend is mean. I say let him wallow in misery because only assholes like this enjoy being miserable if they hate a friend in deed. Don't like a friend in deed then you are cynical.

5865191 It's okay to not like an episode, everyone will have different opinions and you should learn to respect them. "A Friend in Deed" was far from Pinkie's worst potrayal, but it's certainly not her best potrayal. "Maud Pie" managed to correct most of the problems present in "A Friend in Deed".

I agree maud pie did it better. It's just I only liked a friend in deed for the smile song in fact that's the only thing memorable about it


Assuming that my "Bats!" rewrite doesn't tick people off first.

First Off, Huh?
Second, What Does That Mean?
Thirdly, It Would Makes Sense With a What-If Scenario of "What Would Happened If Fluttershy Didn't Turn Into a Fruit Bat Vampire?"
and Fourth, I Hope So...


Er, not to sound rude, but, I'm pretty sure that's a terrible idea. The whole point of Three's a Crowd was that it was a Discord episode, a Discord episode without Discord? Again, not to be rude, but I suspect that may not be such a smart move.

Well, Maybe Pinkie Pie will both get sick & Sing "Glass of Water" in Honor of Discord from the Randomness and Craziness from Pinkie Pie Herself. :pinkiehappy:

This is a Good Start for the First Rewrite. Great Job! :twilightsmile:

5874933 "Bats!" from what I can gather, is one of the more popular Season 4 episodes. Pretty much everyone likes it. "Three's A Crowd" is also one of the more popular Season 4 episodes, no doubt due to it having Discord. Naturally, a lot of people will probably not be pleased to see those episodes rewritten and more hated episodes like "Power Ponies" or "Equestria Games" not making the list. (Despite me having already made it known ahead of time where my preferences lie).

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders agreed to do it." Twilight told Spike "And Cheerilee is going to check up on them to make sure they don't get in over their heads. Besides, we should only be gone for the day."

The Crusaders? Twilight, while they can be mature at times, oh never mind, Cheerilee's there to make sure there are no mishaps, carry on.

Just then, the train began to lurch as it slowed down and pulled into the station. This sudden movement was enough to throw everypony off balance, and the pyramid they had just formed collapsed.
"Is everypony alright?" Spike asked.
"We're fine Spike." Twilight said, as she looked around. Outside of a few dizzy heads, nopony was hurt.
"We have arrived in the Crystal Empire." the conductor called, as he made his way through the coaches "Watch your step as you get off the train."
"Probably should've watched our step while we were still on it." Applejack complained, as she lifted herself up from underneath Pinkie Pie. No one said anything else, but Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and even Fluttershy, cast Twilight a few angry glares as they stepped onto the station platform.

OK, that is funny.

Each of the stylists replied with a shake of their heads. Needless to say, Princess Cadence wasn't pleased to hear the news. Rather than make a scene however, she took a deep breath and let it out. "Just a... small detail. I'm sure the inspector will understand." she said kindly "We certainly can't have the crystal princess sneezing up a storm during the inspection."

Good to know Cadence is willing to keep her cool and only possibly vent her frustration when she's alone so as not to make a scene.

"Okay, we'll be fine." Twilight said calmly, and picked up a note from "Mercury" "It says here that we should be on the look out for an earth pony mare, about average height, with red flower print luggage. Ms. Harshwinny refuses to disclose the remaining details of her identity, wishing for them to remain unknown."
"Obviously to keep us in the dark and avoid any chances of corruption." Rainbow Dash concluded "If nopony knows exactly what she looks like, nopony has the chance to bribe her or trick her."

There we go. That explains the rather vague description in the show, it kinda bothered me a bit in the episode that it was so vague when all they needed was just one quick line to explain, like here.

Once upon a time, there were two young earth pony foals named Hoofel and Greta. Hoofel had a brown coat, red eyes, and a dusty black mane and tail, while Greta had a red coat, blue eyes, and a yellow mane and tail styled into pigtails. Hoofel was a colt, and Greta a filly, and they were brother and sister. Neither of them had their cutie mark, but they didn't care. They loved to take strolls through their little village, and on occassion, into the nearby woods.

Oh boy. I can see where this is going. And occasion only has one S.

behind the

behind theM.

And so it was that Hoofel and Greta continued to eat, and eat, and eat, until they had consumed everything that had been on the table. To their surprise, outside of feeling full they felt no different from how they had been prior to eating. It was as if the food had been magically enchanted.


"So, you finally figured it out have you?" a familiar voice called out "Well, you're too late to stop me!" Suddenly, the wall opposite of the door disappeared, and Hoofel and Greta found themselves inside of a giant cauldron of some kind. The heat was coming from the burning wood directly below. Hoofel and Greta looked up, and gasped in horror at what they saw. The mare had shed her cloak, revealing her cutie mark that showed a giant black witch hat, just like the one she now wore on her head.

I KNEW IT I knew she's have a witch hat cutie mark, then again, this is a story, so carry on.

"Oh please, how stupid do you think I am?!" the witch said crossly "The instant I set you two free, you'd turn around and attack me! You can just stay in there until you're good and ready. It's been ages since I had a brother and sister to eat, I've almost forgotten how they taste."

Yeah, this bugs me, story or not, the witch is a unicorn, herbivorous by nature yet she eats foals, who are meat. What?

"Congratulations, Crystal Ponies!" Miss. Harshwinny said, a rare smile forming on her face "Best of luck in the games themselves."

OBJECTION! Your Honor, I have found a contradiction in this story, Miss Harshwinny NEVER smiles.

"You're right. That'll rock!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Was that a pun? Because they're CRYSTAL ponies?

They are both realty warpers so that makes sense. What if they both sang glass of water now that would be chaotic.

Dude, you SERIOUSLY need an editor.

A "nobel" dragon is one whose last name is "Nobel", as in "Nobel prize". You wanted to say "noble".

That's one of a hundred mistakes I kept stumbling over while reading your story. :facehoof:

"You're never gonna let me forget that, are you?" Twilight asked Pinkie Pie.
"You have to admit, it's not everyday you see one of your friends turn into a flaming unicorn out of pure anger." Pinkie Pie replied

She's right.

"Well, you have a point there." Pinkie Pie agreed "Like I said before, it's a case of mistaken identity, hillarious shenanigans, an important lesson, and a whole lot more."

Hilarious. One l.

"I'm not saying that all." Rainbow Dash replied, and quickly changed the subject "What's important is that we stay one step ahead of her the entire time. We can't fall for her mind games."
"Easier said than done." Fluttershy spoke up "Or did you forget Discord?"

Discord is a nigh omnipotent reality warping mind screwing chimeric being voiced by John De Lancie. Ms Harshwhinny is just a normally pony.

"Okay then, I just need to ask you this question really quick." Twilight explained "Are you Ms. Harshwhinny?"
Unfortunately for Twilight, the mare couldn't hear the question properly. For at that very moment, the train that had brought her here had blown its whistle. The noise was so loud that it covered up Twilight's question, and the mare misunderstood what was being asked. "Huh? Oh, yes I am. So kind of ya to notice." The mare replied.

Oh dear.

"Don't worry, at this rate we've practically got it in the bag." Rainbow Dash said confidently, and exchanged a secret hoofshake with Fluttershy "Bump-"
"-cha!" Fluttershy replied.

I can imagine this. And it is adorable.

"Cadence taught you that deep breathing technique, didn't she?" Shining Armor asked. Twilight nodded, and Shining Armor smiled "Well, believe it or not, but I'm the one who taught it to her."
Twilight was surprised "What? Really?"
"Yes indeed." Shining Armor answered "Being Captain of the Royal Guard can be quite a stressful job. As time went on, I had to learn how to keep my cool so I didn't accidentally blow up in front of the wrong pony. That deep breathing technique was something I picked up from a self help magazine, and it's never let me down. When Cadence found out, she insisted that I teach it to her as well. Which I was more than happy to do."

THis is actually pretty nice.

"Of course not, it'll take a lot more than that to stop me." Rainbow Dash repiled confidently "I just hope I never have to go through that experience again. I like flying and everything, but getting thrown halfway across an entire kingdom is an experience I can live without."

Fair enough.

"So, does this mean you'll stop freaking out everytime Princess Celestia gives you an important assignment?" Spike asked Twilight teasingly, he already knew the answer.

I suppose I should have seen that coming.

"Maybe." Twilight replied. Everyone laughed. They knew that, while Twilight probably wouldn't freak out as often, she'd never completely stop doing so. Old habbits died hard.

Habits. One B.

"I just hope Discord doesn't try to crash em' because he wasn't invited." Applejack said nervously "We tried to send him an invitation, but it's kind of hard to send him a letter when he's traveling all around."
"I'm sure that whenever he's ready to come back and be with his friends again, he'll let us know." Pinkie Pie replied "Something tells me he's going to have something big planned for us. Probably the biggest welcome back party ever."

Knowing him? He just plans on trolling the buck out of anypony unfortunate enough to cross his path.

5894868 The secret hoofshake takes place in the actual episode itself.

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