• Member Since 12th Apr, 2024
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Drowned Owl

*underwater hoot*

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Comments ( 9 )
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Still planning on continuing it for what it's worth, just gotten a tad busy/distracted with elden ring and other games/projects... Been working on it off and on though.

Part of the issue is that there wasn't exactly an extended storyline planned out for Pale Imitation, so I've been having to do the groundwork for that. I'm not very well versed in long-form stories, so it's been a bit of a learning experience. Doesn't help that my attention is divided between that and another WIP fic.

Thanks for comment tho m8 :heart:

Great work so far on "Pale Imitation". Always been a big nerd for prosthetics and the like so seeing a story such as yours has been really refreshing and entertaining. Excited for any future chapters if you have them planned.

It is an underrated gem and you should be proud

Thanks for faving Mine!

*underwater hoot*

That made me laugh a lot harder than it should have.:rainbowlaugh:
Edit: And great story. I'll make an exception to my avoidance of anything Anon-related.

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