"My Autobiography By Passions Star"
This is the story of her life, and how she grew up under the Care of Celestia and Luna.
How she met the mane six, and the ever present questions of her life, what is her purpose? Who were her real parents? And what is her true Destiny.
Also why she wears a hat.
As if seen through the eyes of my OC Passions Star
I love it!
I'm ready to submit this story to various groups on FIMFiction!Have submitted this story to various groups on FIMFiction!
Beautiful, lovely and moving. Especially where you describe Celestia crying herself to sleep every night feeling so deeply what she had been forced to do and how she so deeply missed her sister.
Honestly, compostion and punctuation could use a little work but, otherwise, great story! You've done it again! (Added to favorites)
I happily look forward to you next story.
6307438 Thank you for the favorite
You're welcome.
Cute chapter!
Pony to ponies. They ain't people.
Sheesh! Can't she get a break from royalty for just one lifetime!?
Interesting. I would've liked to have seen more about Passion's life during all the millennia- did she make any friends she had to watch age and die? Any love interests? Still, it';s a really awesome chapter, and I'm curious to see what happens to her. Very nice!
6607388 people can apply to any group of anything as long as they're sentient.
I like the others are treating her as an equal. But the royalty... oy...
Passions is by far only one of the few Alicorn OCs that actually work. Reading this gives me an awesome idea for a human X passions romance story though.
You know, it looks bad on you when there are so many deleted comments.
7558061 Yeah, I know, it was intended to, you see, I came under attack, so either I left the terrible comments up, or took them down, either way, my attackers screwed me, so now, I have one of two choices, delete the story and ask the site owners if I can re-submit it, or leave the deleted comments, I really am left with little choice.
I have had some issues with some members online, thus there are several deleted lines, including my needless replies to the idiots who attacked me through my story, I know we pick up trolls from time to time, but they really worked hard to make me sad.
The Bottom line is this: please, do not pay attention to the deleted messages, they have no bearing on the story and were just flat out attacks on me.
Read the Story for it's own merit, you may even enjoy it. This is all I can ask.
Thank you for your time, Gracious readers.