WASSUP! I see you've found my page! · 5:14am Jul 29th, 2015
Don't really know how, but you did. SO, I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself.
In case you couldn't already tell from the username in your comments or on my stories: My name is Darkwolfthelycan. The orgin of that username... well, that's a long story XD If you want to know, just PM me.
1945201 ... eh, why not XD
I actually talked to her once... she agreed to help me learn GIMP... I should probabally get back to her on that XD
Hmm hmm hmm h HMMMMM
1921453 Yep!
Thank you for the follow, and may I offer a hoof in friendship?
1909904 AGGGH! I KNOW! Well, perhaps we can help each-other out. How long have you been on this sight?
1909124 Watching you-tube pretending to write stories XD
1909084 Awww. Cute XD
1909012 *wiggles nose* YOU FORGOT TO GO "boop" XD
How are you?
1895836 No problem!