• Member Since 16th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen Oct 6th, 2020


I write for 4chan and now I'm writing here. Joy.

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We've got some Editors · 3:22pm Feb 15th, 2020

After much demand that I clean my story up, I have found two editors who have graciously donated their time to edit my work. A big thank you too Base Anonymous and Lordelliott for taking the time to go through it and begin making it more presentable. This will obviously take some time given the length of my work but rest assured that the chapters will be less filled with errors. I am also taking more time myself to edit chapters going forward to make sure they are filled with less spelling and

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Report BG9 · 275 views · Story: The Sun and the Clover ·
Comments ( 6 )
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Don't worry about just do what you do best you got this


I wish I still had it. Unfortunately I lost the image some time ago. If I ever find it again I'll be sure to link it to you.

Hey can I get a full-size version of your profile pic? Thanks.

You have writer's block? I want to start writing a story, but I don't know who to do it on. never mind. already started.

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