• Member Since 30th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2018


I Write Stuff! Also, read my blog for any updates on chapters/stories!

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Returning of stories? · 5:59pm May 26th, 2015

So I'm actually on after almost half a year and I have to say, It's been fun not stressing about these stories. Now, I may actually come back and work and rework some of the chapters and finish up what I have already written. Kinda curious about who reads these anyway.
Anywho, this means a few things:
First- I'm writing to be better, not pump out chapters to my stories.
Second- I really need a proofreader. LIKE REALY NEED A PROOFREADER.

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Report WardenGage · 399 views ·
Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

I've killed every Giantdad I've fought. RIP you.

1835180 -Gets back up

-swaps to Chaos Zwei+5

-pwns you

<"The Legend Never Dies"

-SLB +10 falchion-
-poise tanks through raw zweihander-
-kills you-
I am gud. And SL 175 so gg imposter

Forest-Dweller GiantDad has invaded your world as a dark spirit!

-"Well, What Is It?!"

git gud

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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