Pubg · 12:42am Apr 17th, 2018
Pubg is obviously better than fortnite it's f*ck8ng Minecraft with guns for petty a*s twelve year olds who can't get a life all in all it's a sh*t game
Tell me what keeps you from jumping off the deep end it's too late for me to save myself from falling beacause it's already happened.......WaTCh YoURseLf <PM mə įf ýøų wáńţ ťő ťâłķ>
Pubg is obviously better than fortnite it's f*ck8ng Minecraft with guns for petty a*s twelve year olds who can't get a life all in all it's a sh*t game
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Thank you for adding the flame to your favorites, once I get a pc that can work I'll get back to writing <3 you're awesome.
sure when I have time of course
Thank you. Does it troubles you if you would show my stories to others, please?
good stories
Thanks for the follow, may I ask how I earned it?