How did you end up loving the show of mlp? · 8:43am Apr 4th, 2013
Well the truth is... curiosity.
It all started when I start to see pictures of ponies everywhere (DA., Google, Youtube, etc)... even in my most... explicit websites (*cough* Rule34)...
To be honest at the beginning I thought ppl have become crazy, or gay ppl have definitely taken over the internet (I got nothing against gay ppl. I even used to have a gay friend. now lower that knife).
why do i get the feeling you'll be on this site forever hehe
Yo, thanks for the fave! :raritywink
Well, as long as you understand you're not in a good place right now, I can't complain too much.
1974143 I snort muffins made out of blueberries...
Can't help it... :V
Why would you favorite something as vile as Stankocide? What's WRONG with you?