• Member Since 29th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2015


I am a boy who reads fanfiction about ponies ... DEAL WITH IT!! If i have a story i am making, i will take criticism, but dont expect me to stop a story in the middle. Other ways, yay! i love stories!

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New idea! · 3:24pm Jan 13th, 2015

Well, i might stop my story for now and do something new... SHIPPINGS!!! Since i have improved my writing skills, i shall get characters for ships! tell me what you guys think!

Report mistyhollow · 314 views ·
Comments ( 16 )
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Thanks for the watch^^

Thanks for the follow. What, might I ask, did I do to deserve it?

I JUST SUBMITTED MY FIRST STORY!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!:yay::pinkiehappy:

Yay!! someone to talk too!

Why no comments? :pinkiesad2::fluttercry::unsuresweetie::ajsleepy: i guess i just need more stories... ya :yay: :pinkiehappy: :scootangel:

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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New idea! · 3:24pm Jan 13th, 2015

Well, i might stop my story for now and do something new... SHIPPINGS!!! Since i have improved my writing skills, i shall get characters for ships! tell me what you guys think!

Report mistyhollow · 314 views ·

New idea! · 3:24pm Jan 13th, 2015

Well, i might stop my story for now and do something new... SHIPPINGS!!! Since i have improved my writing skills, i shall get characters for ships! tell me what you guys think!

Report mistyhollow · 314 views ·