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I PASSED MY COLLEGE FINALS · 10:19pm Dec 11th, 2015


...But I still have my high school finals.

Me by the end of next week, tbh.

In other news, Imma work on getting that review for the finale out. It's been two weeks and I'm still not completely done with it yet.


The Finale is here · 4:08am Jun 30th, 2016

Soon... the finale is here soon, but yeah the final chapter to AAE, is coming... and it's not long, but it will explain what will happen next. So be ready, for what's to come... oh and this should be my third story done... and then my summer should begin, YEAH!

...Let's get ready, shall we.


The Grand Finale · 7:08am Oct 13th, 2019

**Please keep the comments spoiler free!**

I saw the final episode(s). Man did it tug on the heartstrings like no other. It was epic, grand, funny, and, oh, what an emotional roller coaster. I teared up like no other in many places, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

I can't think of a better ending than that.

I will make a posting about the final three episodes at a later time.

I can say, though, that Starlight was fantastic. I think I love her. :twilightblush:

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Report Twi-Fi · 253 views · #Finale #Final Episode

I FINALLY DID IT! · 8:00am Jul 29th, 2015

So, go check the most recent chapter of Diaries out.

And yes Wywint, we'll need to think up of another name before I continue.

Report Paradox Theory · 373 views · #FINALLY

Finale: Part One · 7:29am Nov 13th, 2016

A new chapter of Replacment is avalible for your viewing pleasure. Part Two is in progress. And for anyone who's reading Replacment but has never watched Teen Titans I have a few AMVs and clips that I feel capture Raven's personality well.

Report Mlp Kitty · 460 views · #Finale

I Haven't Forgotten The Chapter · 8:36pm Mar 31st, 2017

I'm still working on the finale chapter.

Chapters will just take longer than usual. This one in particular is extra long. And with a lot more planning in these chapters, they take longer in general. Yet I think that is worth it for the extra quality.

I also felt that this particular one deserved an illustration. (If that takes too long, I'm just going to add that one later, after publication.)

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Report Detsella Morningdew · 345 views · #Finale

New Cheeapter Out!!!! · 4:05am Oct 25th, 2015

It's a cheeapter for Starlight Sorrow, and it's called The Celestial Compass. It took forever, but it was worth it! :raritystarry:

Report Sky Blue CMC · 527 views · #finally

The Finale of getting Reanne home. · 9:46pm Jun 4th, 2018

If you are new to the saga here are the previous blog posts.
First blog
Second blog
Third blog
And the forth and what I had hoped was the finale.

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Report Foals Errand · 491 views · #Finally!

Rewrites. Rewrites. Rewrites. Rewrites. Rewrites. Rewrites. Rewrites. Rewrites. · 9:40am Jul 17th, 2017

The rewrites. So many rewrites...

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Report A Random Guy · 422 views · #FINALLY

Season 5 Finale Thoughts · 7:44am Nov 29th, 2015

I doubt many care what I have to say, but here we go anyway!

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Report Robo Bro · 463 views · #Finale

On a Lighter Note · 8:03pm Jun 21st, 2017

I'm nearly finished with the next two chapters of One in the Same Thing.


FINALLY · 9:05pm Jun 17th, 2019

I'm FINALLY finished with the next chapter of of Thank You Mistress! MAN that took a lot longer than I thought it would. I'm going to edit it with my recently promoted to Co Writer friend 'The Lurker'. I sent him the finished product of our 5000+ word behemoth a few minutes ago and now I'm awaiting a response from him. Once it's edited I can FINALLY release this baby!

Report Ablegabriel · 352 views · #Finally!

Finally! Chapter 54 for memoirs is out · 12:49am Oct 9th, 2016

Alright, I know I've been bad. I'm sorry about keeping you waiting, and now that I've released Fog, I know people are going to rail me for its length, but bear with me on this one. The last two chapters and the next were all initially meant to be a single chapter, but there were some flaws with that approach. Keeping that in mind, I've had to rewrite and rebuild my outline around the 3 chapter decision all while juggling coursework and a social life. That all being said, I put aside today to

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Report The Lunar Samurai · 483 views · #finally

And it's done · 7:48pm Sep 19th, 2016

It is done. I've finally finished drafting the new chapter, it still needs to be revised, but I'm fairly happy with it as is, so hopefully I can get it up today, or tomorrow. It is on the shorter side, as it's mostly a bridge chapter, but I still hope you all enjoy it. I'm sorry it took me so long for something so short, but I'm finding my groove again. So maybe it won't be so long for the next chapter.

As always I love you, thank you for reading.

Report Sunatta · 411 views · #finally

One Week Left..... · 1:20pm Oct 5th, 2019

Mark your calendars.

The final episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic air in one week.

Report IDontWatchMLP · 314 views · #Finale

Saw this on my Discord server · 3:11am Jan 2nd, 2021

This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here:
It's hard to overstate
my satisfaction.
My Little Pony:
Friendship is Magic,
that’s what we learned
For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are banned.

But there's no sense crying
that we ran out of canon.
You just keep on writing
‘cuz we still have the fanon!
All the fanfics out there.
All the art left to share.
Of the ponies who are
still alive.

I'm not even angry.
I'm being so sincere right now.

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Report Cool writer · 212 views · #finale

Windigo Whisperer Has Concluded! · 7:40am May 1st, 2021

I'm very happy for the story being my most popular one yet, but all good things must come to an end. The finale is here on May 1st like I promised, I hope it does more than just satisfy you! :yay:

Report Misty Shadow · 201 views · #finale

I just watched the ending and... I like it! [no spoilers below, don't worry] · 3:35pm Aug 28th, 2019

I probably shouldn't be 'venting' here, but... what the hell. I just watched the last three leaked episodes in Dutch + subtitles(I really wanted to wait for the English version, but my will was not strong enough :unsuresweetie:).

I won't lie, for a few days now, I was so stressed over this, that I literally couldn't sleep (I know, right?! :rainbowlaugh: ), but as it turned out it was stress over nothing:raritystarry:.

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Report Huk · 250 views · #the finale

Finally! · 11:18am Feb 27th, 2020

Heya, everypony! I finally posted another story! Go check it out, ‘cause it’s good! Also, visit the author mentioned in the description. Very good writer right there.


Report MyLittleBronyDude · 253 views · #Finally

Progress Report - MEF · 1:38am Jan 5th, 2021

I’ve - understandably - gotten a lot of inquiries regarding my stories and updates, and I can safely say I’ll update MEF next.

Chapter 8 is at present titled ‘Musings of a Mistress’.

I’ve spent a lot of time charting and planning out how I want the story to go, with more than a few wasted weeks trashing drafts, and now, at last, I have an idea of how Alicorns, Nightmare Moon and the Elements are gonna work in my universe!

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Report Meowofy · 513 views · #FINALLY
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