• Member Since 11th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


A German who likes history, and WW2 technology but not war. "Within the darkness there is light and hope"

More Blog Posts28

  • 11 weeks
    27th birtday but...

    I am 27th now but struggle to enjoy it as...i had a family death 2 days ago, so forgive me if i am not fully on joy

    16 comments · 88 views
  • 64 weeks
    26 now

    Another birthday, now i am 26 years old. Good its on a friday this year, less work, thus more time to enjoy it.

    ...i never was good with this blog stuff...

    17 comments · 218 views
  • 182 weeks
    New/updated coverart

    Hello everyone/everypony. I just thought I inform you Bronie312 updated the coverart he made, meaning this would suit better.

    7 comments · 384 views
  • 195 weeks

    Hi guys. Hope you are all doing well in those difficult times.

    Just want to inform you Pinto of the Ardennes now has a cover, made by Bronie312. Much applied!

    19 comments · 338 views

Made a collab · 6:09pm Apr 3rd, 2020

Hi guys! I am happy to announce that I made a collab with another author.

It's a mature story about Alice and Thunderlane.

Why? Because it was a thought I played with a long time ago and I find there are too few stallion on woman stories out there.

So, anyone interested (And old enough) have a go!


Report Bronycommander · 251 views · Story: Just Rumble · #Mature #Collab
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