• Member Since 28th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 11th, 2020


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Here's Johnny! · 2:39am May 12th, 2013

Hello there all you wonderful folk! After a long string of Writer's Block, School, and completely forgeting about this story. I am finally back in the writing saddle again. The newest chapter of Tale of a Misplaced Guard is getting its final touches. While the sequel to The Beginning of the End is coming together in a rough form, a very rough form. So now with the wait drawing quickly to a close. I will check in with you guys later.


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Thanks for the favorite, I didn't really expect that so soon. :twilightblush: :twilightsmile:

Thanks for favoriting my work makes writing so much more enjoyable :)

Comment posted by Final fantasy forever deleted Apr 8th, 2015

Thank you for faving 'Lost' :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

95793 Zee Captian approves of my actions

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