Tallest of all the bronies! Maybe. Socal resident that likes ponies, war related things, and the use of the word saucy. Feel free to drop a line or whatever. I love to talk with people. Brony on!
Been watching this since 2012. Figured Iโd maybe try making something myself.
Everyone will tell you lies, except the people you love which will tell you large ones...
Long fic enthusiast and reader. If you came here looking for stories, I'm sorry to disappoint. I am not a writer.
A kiwi that is using FIMFiction, I like making OCs and have made 4 so far, canโt wait to see what this site can bring
roses are red, your city is gone, i am thomas, the thermonuclear bomb.
Only got into this pony stuff July 2022, finished the series for the first time around that September, have been obsessed ever since.
~๐๐๐ฐ๐ ๐ป๐ฐ๐ฟ๐ท๐ผ๐๐บ ๐ต๐ด๐ถ๐พ~
Check out my stories and see if you like them. go on, I don't biteโฆ
"Nobody is perfect. We all had our victories and defeatsโฆ You learn from defeats, and with them, victories are obtained."
Just some Writer, who loves to write about fantastical worlds and ever evolving ideas.
Just A Raider from the Wasteland that found A magical book one day that has many interesting stories
Hi there, I'm just here reading stories. Might write one, but we'll see :3. What I'll say about myself is that I'm a huge fan of Avicii. (โข โค R.I.P)
My name is Solving, I am a Professional Software Engineer in the Pacific Northwest. I like to read about ponies.
I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all
just like mlp Brony for life FOR THE NEW LUNER REPUBLIC luna best pony
Rule 11: When the job is done, walk away| Rule 91: When you decide to walk away, don't look back
It is better to be kind in a world full of hate, then join that hate and become part of the problem. Simply be kind and better.
through life we grow, we feel pain, love, loss, abandonment, trust, betrayal, heartbreak, sorrow and oh so much more....... but what you do with it..... what you do with it is what really matters