• Member Since 30th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen July 14th

CMDR Kovacs

Latest Stories

Renowned Memberships

Teh Internets

To Do List: 1)Drink. 2)Make armor. 3)More drink. 3)Work out. 4)Drink with girlfriend. 5)Play video games. 6)While drinking. 7)Get more drinks. 8)Write fanfiction. 9)Be social. 10)While drinking.

Other Names:
Lord Marshal Terminal
Knight Ebrel of Astora
Gelatinous Cube

Current Pony Works in Progress:
"The Forbidden" - HiE Sci-Fi
"Wish I Had a Beer" - YHAY (Non-Canon)
"The Same Coin" - Alternative TCB
"Boxful of Jelly" - CGotG (Canon B (possibly))

Comments ( 92 )
  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92

Thank you so much for adding The New Guard to your garrison! May Jupiter watch over your steps, the sun of Celestia guide your path, and the moon of Luna comfort you in the darkest of nights. :eeyup:

It hits home like nothing else I've read on this site. Thank you.

Thank you for having added Welcome Home Soldier to your favorites, glad you're enjoying it. :eeyup:

  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92
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