MLP Time LoopsTwilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Saphroneth
2,479,751 words
· 2,271 · 94
Wake up. See This. What do? (Comment driven story)(This story is driven entirely by user comments) Out of nowhere you suddenly wake up to find yourself in Equestria with Twilight Sparkle looking down at you with a lascivious grin. What do you do?by RazortheAwesome
190,964 words
· 611 · 28
Hearth's Warming ChaosMothball searches for the perfect gift for Screwball, while Prism fears her parents Rainbow and Soarin won't make it home for the holidays and Discord accidentally tells a filly there is no such thing as Santa DisneyFanatic23
19,532 words
· 432 · 15
Mothball searches for the perfect gift for Screwball, while Prism fears her parents Rainbow and Soarin won't make it home for the holidays and Discord accidentally tells a filly there is no such thing as Santa Hooves.
Sequel to "Bride of Discord." Discord and Fluttershy are blessed with a daughter named Screwball, who is gifted with incredible power that attracts the attention of the Queen of the well as her son.
The continued misadventures of you, Bugze the Changeling, as The Doctor calls up on your debt with him and he asks you to come to Canterlot immediately
Part 2 of the epic story: Wake up. See this. What do? The adventures of the human Jason Morgan continue as he takes on the most dangerous adversary Equestria has ever seen by far, and as always, the question remains. What do you do?
(This story is driven entirely by user comments) Out of nowhere you suddenly wake up to find yourself in Equestria with Twilight Sparkle looking down at you with a lascivious grin. What do you do?
1851229 Oh, poop nuggets. It would've been great to see you there. Still! Look out for ACRacebest's vlogs, you might see me on there. I'm not hard to recognize; I mean, I'm pretty much the only guy who has a saxophone with him at the con. :P
Hey, thanks for following me!
Have a follow in return!
I know that hence the "Best Performance Ever" post.
1851229 Oh, poop nuggets. It would've been great to see you there.
Still! Look out for ACRacebest's vlogs, you might see me on there. I'm not hard to recognize; I mean, I'm pretty much the only guy who has a saxophone with him at the con. :P
1848876 Sadly, I'm not. :/
Yo, I saw your comment on V-Pony's blog. You coming to Fiesta Equestria too?