• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 14th, 2024




I lived a peaceful life for about, maybe, 17 years and so when my life gets flooded changelings and unworldly sexy ponies. I end up in a world of shit.

WARNING:Contains sexual activities and strong language,viewer discretion is advised!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 13 )

Somebody is trying too much to be funny or clever and failing really hard.

yea i like what you've done concept wise but this could have had more developments in this, atleast so if you say this is book one.......i'm watching if not for the plot.......>.>

Chrysalis in love seriously...who am i kidding this is AWESOME :scootangel:

TYPO DETECTED SECOND LINE CHRYSSY ACCIDENTLY SAYS "Well you see they see you as a QUEEN <-- fixitfixitfixitfixitfixitNOW
...that is all

for now...

1471210 done :pinkiehappy:. that took a long time ._.

1593372 yes it did (name change lol)

...hmmmmmm this is interesting...first comment.....ok since I'm here

anfoireqpjdS GVdfuqr3tUGDXCUhw4ryduiq. yes!:rainbowlaugh:

in the great and mitey words of Tucker "Bow chicka wow wow":pinkiehappy:

Um this is going to sound stupid but how do I get the picters of the ponies heads in my coments?

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