"Oh, well you see" she started as she stopped flying and landed. I did as well." You see, they see you as a king because we had intercourse, and your part changeling and part human and that is impressive considering how that has never happened before."
My face was as if she was speaking another language"THEY KNOW WE HAD SEX?"
She nodded as she began to blush a little bit."How do they know?" I asked
"I told them how I fed them, if you don't want them calling you king, then I'm sure we came make sure they don't do it!"
She looked down in disappointment. But then, she felt something weird. She felt less... hungry. She looked up at me. She stared into my eyes which were blue and my right one was green.
"Wh... what are you doing" she asked as she looked into my eyes.
"I'm feeding our children with the last parts of human love in me" I said as I leaned in for a kiss. She accepted it and it felt like it lasted forever. Changelings and human soldiers gathered from all sides as the kiss lasted. We finally opened our eyes and saw everyone was watching. We both blushed and we pulled away and there was an awkward silence. She broke the silence first.
"Well I guess I'll see you humans later?" She pondered as she started to fly away. Before she left, she leaned in and whispered in my ear,"Thank you!". She flew away towards the east. One changeling stayed with me for "Protection".
One soldier was still looking at the changelings and walked up to me and said,"Dude, how the hell did you get a girlfriend like that? She has a fine ass!"
I looked at him with a WTF face and then I said,"That's my girlfriend!"
Four chapters ago that would have sounded like I was being mind controlled and so I found it funny how my feelings for her changelings form and not for her appearance as my ex or something.
I started sprinting for the swarm as my wings started flapping. I flew past the changelings that had Princess Celestia and Shining Armor.
About a day of me and my swarm flying can put stress on your wings. especially when you have to maneuver around trees and past wrecked cars and fallen changelings and stallions.
Apparently I was gone for a month because school buses lining the streets with students in them. I freaked out and flew over to her."I need a way to turn human again!"
She was stunned for a second by the question."Why?" she asked.
"I still need to attend school. Look, if you can at least get rid of the hooves and black skin and ear, I could take it from there!"
Chrysalis commanded a changeling over and told him or her what to do and all I heard was "...Zecora.". The creature went into the hive and in minutes it came back with a small jug of blue, sparkly liquid while it whispered something to her. We both, Chrysalis and I, lowered to the ground and she handed me the jug.
One sip gives you back your skin and other human features back except your magic and wings. You will also have the agility and speed. You gain the ability to drain the love from living things to feed your self along with the ordinary way of feeding for you humans. Two sips and you lose everything, your skills, changeling parts, and your memories with us."
She handed me the jug.and looked at me with hopeful eyes.
I picked up the jug and took one sip and took it away from my lips. I recoiled a bit at the sour taste as I swallowed. I put it up to my lips again and acted like I was going to take a second sip. Chrysalis and the other changelings looked at me with sad and worried eyes. I let go of the bottle and gave it to the nearest changeling. It reminded me of my friend. he took a gulp of it and he looked at me like he was trying to say,"Thank you"
I walked over to Chrysalis and gave here one final hug goodbye as she started to grow a small tear in her eye.
"I didn't know a changeling could love"I joked as I chuckled real quick before giving one last kiss. Her tongue and my tongue wrestled before we stopped and looked at each other.
"I'll miss you!"She cried as she cried into my shoulder.
"I will too. But who says you can't visit me?"
"I'll still miss not having a king to rule at my side."
"Don't worry" I said, we will always have each other." We hugged one last time before I started feeling woozy. I walked towards my house and walked in to my old house. A pile of LOST posters were on the table as I controlled my hoof legs to work together as i tried to get to my bed.
"I'll start school tomorrow" I said as i fell asleep on my bed.
I wake up the next day with felling in my toes and fingers along with my ear which was now on the side of my head again. At first I thought it was all a giant dream but then I feel my wings.I get up. I was in the same shirt and pants I was wearing before all this had happened.There was a note next to my bed that read
Dear king,
I hope you live a long and
wonderful life. We will be longing
to see each other again, my babies
want to see their king after all. I
took the liberty of leaving one final
goodbye present before I left, enjoy!
below the note we a key with two buttons on it. I pressed the one with an unlocked lock picture on it and I heard a BEEP BEEP coming from outside. I looked outside at the new car that was out there. It was my old Altima but instead of dark blue,it was black with different shades of green lines swirling and flowing around the exterior. I rushed into the bathroom and opened the cup board to get my tooth paste. But instead, I was met face to face with the jug full of blue sparkly liquid from the day before.
After doing my morning chores of waking up, brushing teeth and getting dressed and etc. I got into my new car and I adjusted the rear view mirror and watched as a baby changeling was sleeping in the back with a note on him that said "surprise" on it and I watched as it woke up and stared at me.
"What am I going to do with you?" I asked myself. The creature concentrated on something and turned into a small pug. "Perfect" I smiled.
I put the car in reverse and slowly drove out of the drive way and into the highway as I watched my pug walked out of my car when we parked and I got down own my knee and said. "The girls love dogs" I laughed as the dog started towards a group of girls.
"be outside my car by 4:00PM" I yelled as I ran into school.
Author's note
This is book 1 in the series of many.
I can only write on the week ends when I have
abundant time. That doesn't mean I won't write
nothing during the week day, just not as much.
STORY THEME SONG: Spaceman-the killers
Somebody is trying too much to be funny or clever and failing really hard.
yea i like what you've done concept wise but this could have had more developments in this, atleast so if you say this is book one.......i'm watching if not for the plot.......>.>
Chrysalis in love seriously...who am i kidding this is AWESOME
TYPO DETECTED SECOND LINE CHRYSSY ACCIDENTLY SAYS "Well you see they see you as a QUEEN <-- fixitfixitfixitfixitfixitNOW
...that is all
for now...
1471210 done
. that took a long time ._.
1593372 yes it did (name change lol)
1707095 YAY YOU DID IT wallpaper.pickywallpapers.com/samsung-epic/preview/yes-helicopter.jpg
in the great and mitey words of Tucker "Bow chicka wow wow"