I was Hell bent on passing my driver's exam. It was almost May and I failed my test so many times, the first teacher I had to teach me retired and they had to get me a new instructor.
"Connor, for hell's sake, PLEASE slow down!" The driving instructor pleaded as I cleared a sharp corner doing almost 50 MPH.
"Oh come on! Don't tell me that wasn't fun?!" I was thrilled beyond comprehension, but my driving instructor had other thoughts.
"Connor, you're gonna kill us! Please just stop the car!"The driving inspector squinted and grabbed hold of his 1950's hat. Thinking I was gonna fail I eased up on the gas and went through the rest of the course with no further incident.
It was the moment of truth as I waited outside the porta potty as my teacher hurled and shit, probably at the same time. The door opened and the teacher came out with my paper,"Congratulations!" he said,"You just passed by the skin on your ass!"
I was so over excited that I jumped in the porta potty and hurled and shit like my teacher did moments before.
It has been almost a year since that day and now we can skip ahead to when my friend started watching this stupid little girl show called, what was it again? My pittle Lony? Or was it My Pepperoni? No wait, I remember, it was My Little Pony Friendship is magic or something like that. Anyways this night in June I sat my ass down to at least watch the very first episode so I could at least say I watched it to my friend.
I got to the part where that crazy bitch that turned evil or something came in and was all like ,"SUP MA NIGGAS". I stopped watching it and paused it on my dad's DVR because I wanted to go to the store across town that sold blankets. My dad and his drunken buddies tried to fix the air conditioner once but they messed with something and now the house drops to blow 50 degrees Fahrenheit almost every night.
So I got into my dark blue Chevy Altima I got last year for my birthday AND to celebrate when I got my driver's license. I inserted the keys, turned on the heat, and put the car in reverse. I must say, that day I passed my driving test is the day I found self worth and responsibility. To tell the truth, after my mom died, my car was my real family. As a matter of fact, I SLEPT in this car, covering my self with my winter jacket for warmth as I slept.
I backed out of my dad's drive way and put my baby in drive. It was a surprisingly cold night for a night in June. It felt a little less than maybe 30 degrees.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I rolled up a window I put down earlier that day to get the smell of alcohol and anger my father left in my baby. You see, my family is poor and my mom bought me my car when we were still rocking middle class. However,when my mom died my dad got so depressed, he drank and wasted all of our money on lottery tickets. Now we live in a one story, three bedroom house. My dad and my mom were going to have a divorce but it never happened and so my mom's old room was converted into a guest's room.
I was driving down the road to get into town when I saw something in the woods. I slowed my car down a little to see a whitish pink flank of what looked like a large horse in further towards the center of the forest next to the road. I quickly grabbed my phone, snapped a quick picture and drove off. I pondered on what the Hell I saw. I shrugged it off as an albino horse and kept driving. The more I tried to push the horse out of my mind, the more it worked itself back in.
About five minutes later, I made it to the store. I opened the door and waved hello to the clerk who was glued to the t.v screen.
"Hey, come check this out!" he ushered as I walked towards the counter. He tilted the screen towards me alittle and we both watched the news report
"...may confuse this animal as an albino horse. But the federal government has issued a reward of $1,000 to anyone who has seen or has information about this creature.Now breaking news is just coming in." The news caster put his finger to his ear piece and continued saying,"The federal government has issued a warning about getting too close to these creatures, saying that they might be hostile."
I couldn't believe how much luck I had! Finding a wanted beast and having proof! I was just amazed and in shock. I came back to my senses and proceeded to the aisle with the bedroom products. I walked past the air fresheners and the occasional mis-placed item. I eventually found the blanket I was looking for. It was a soft black blanket which could cover a queen sized bed. I brought it over to the clerk, he ringed it up and I was in my car like that. I turned the key and checked the time 9:56 PM. I groaned because the longer I stay up, the more things my dad's "friends" could be doing to me as I slept.
I pulled out of the lot and started driving home. I got to my road but just as my car started to slow down to turn, the crazy albino horse which I saw now had a horn, pink fluffy hair, and what looks liked a tiara and wings. It stood on its hind legs and put its hoof out for me to stop. I quickly swerved out of the way and fell off the road into the small forest which was like a three feet drop from road to forest bottom.
I crashed into a thick tree and my airbag inflated. I pushed it down and noticed drops of blood. I realized my nose was bleeding and was probably broken. My vision was blurry and shaky. I tried to open the door. At first it wouldn't budge so I kicked it with all my might. After about six kicks it finally fell off the car and I got out. I leaned on my left arm and almost cried from the pain just trying to get out. My left arm was broken. I used my right hand and opened the back door where my blanket sat. I grasped it in one hand and bit one side. I then proceeded to wrap it around my left arm to create a makeshift cast. The blanket was thin but trapped in heat pretty good.
I took a few steps back from the car and sat down. blood and mucus was all I spat out as I sat there. I started to feel a little better and I tried to scavenge my phone from the wreck of twisted metal and broken glass. I found it but was angry when I saw the battery was cracked in half and half of the screen was gone.
"Just fucking great!" I said to myself. At the moment, my arm and nose felt tender and I started to see if the med kit I always kept in the back trunck was there. I'd just put my hand on the handle when I heard someone scream,"Hello, is anyone down there?"
I was incredulas for a moment before I screamed back,"Help me! I'm down here!". I continued to open the back to get the kit when I heard what sounded like two pairs of foot steps behind me. I stood up from my bent over position and looked at my savior. I dropped the kit when I saw who it was.
"Hello!" she said,"My name is Princess Cadence."
...hmmmmmm this is interesting...first comment.....ok since I'm here
anfoireqpjdS GVdfuqr3tUGDXCUhw4ryduiq. yes!
This could be good.
Um this is going to sound stupid but how do I get the picters of the ponies heads in my coments?