• Member Since 21st Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2020



Ch 1. Complete · 10:58am Nov 4th, 2018

Prologue and Chapter 1 are both revised and updated now! Any and all feedback is appreciated :^)

Report Gearshed · 245 views · Story: A Walk in the Park... or not ·

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Comments ( 3 )
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152132 Don't worry, the internet has the attention span of a four year old, a week seems like a long time but I've been working on other things. Expect another chapter sometime this weekend.

Please continue the story. You can't get me hooked and just leave it like so many other stories I've liked.:pinkiesad2:

Loving that story so far dude! Please do continue! :twilightsmile:

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