• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

The Lord Thunder

Starlight Glimmer is best pony!



A chance meeting with a cute young dragoness puts Spike on top of the world. However, it quickly becomes clear he may be forced to chose between his pony friends or the girl who captured his heart.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 664 )

Good story so far! Liked + faved. :rainbowdetermined2:

I'm assuming Rainbow's little stunt was some Chekhov's Gun?

Cover image made me dawwwww. Story seems pretty adorable too, and very much like something I'd expect to see in the show. It'd be nice if Spike wasn't the only dragon around who isn't a total tool. Keep it coming!

1321894 Silent Bob would never say that, Imposter


Hey, just because I don't show Jay I have a soft side doesn't mean I don't have one! ;P

1321913 I was referring to you breaking your silence for something so :rainbowderp:
Silent bob didn't even speak when he was pinned down in a diner with a stolen monkey and cops surrounding the place....He said something afterwords though.:twilightblush:


I had to for this story :D. Monkey be damned :P.

Huh... This...story has captured my attention, not the story but because...the dragon depicted in the image....looks very similar to Saphira. I will review your story. and please, make it a good one author~:moustache:

BEST DAY EVAAAAAAAAAR! and why does this dragoness have hair? Wouldn't spikes be a better choice. And I love this cute little romance... and um... spike does know about dating right? Of course not.. let the crash ( empahsise on crash) BEGIN:rainbowlaugh:

Love blossoming... wait until the wee little ones are grown up:rainbowkiss:

Thanks, everypony! :twilightblush: If you have any critiques, don't be afraid to give them to me. I can take constructive criticism.

1322071 Keep doing what you're doing :3:pinkiecrazy:

Alright... so what's wrong with her? ...Don't look at me like that! There HAS to be at least ONE thing that makes the chica seem in a darker light.

Can you feel the love tonight :heart:

Already read all 9 chapters... still going to fav after reading again though


This is the edited version, mind you, not the pre-edited version that was stolen from ff.net.

stolen? I read the one from ff.net


Yeah, about a month ago someone took it from ff.net and uploaded it here as theirs without my permission. I was waiting to upload here for my editor to finish going through it so I'd have a final project to submit to EqD.


Ah, that makes sense now... I didn't know it was copied without your permission, I had only known about the similarities between this story and the one I had read months ago by your alternate account on ff.net (I'm assuming it is at least) by the name of "Thunder Magus"

that's all I was stating

May whoever made that Faust-forsaken macro be plunged into the farthest depths of Hell.

Here's one I swiped from Magical Trever:

Classy, and MUCH less likely to put me off reading the story it's posted on. Seriously, I almost closed the browsing window and walked away from this fic because of that image.

Also, is there a reason the cover art makes me wonder where the Luna tag is? dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Luna_lolface.png

1322961 I fail to see what's wrong with that image. But then again, I fail to understand why humanity does anything.

Also, you aren't actually talking. You're typing. Completely different. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Twilight_Sparkle_lolface.png

It is the picture of a gentleman who would have died of a heart attack in three years if he hadn't killed himself in shame after the image went viral. I see that horrid image posted on FimFiction so often that every time I see it I have to physically restrain myself from punching my Flatscreen TV/Computer Monitor. Long story short, the image makes me physically ill, and I see it a lot.


Yea, this souned awfully familiar, so this one is going to be edited or wut? Because i loved this fic :heart:


Very entertaining. Can't wait for more.


So much


Oh hey, you got this story up here, and it got featured? Congratulations!

DRAGONBALL!!!! great story thus far, and with this chapter you've created an interesting sub plot. Keep goin and stay golden^^



That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??

1322071 this is relevant to my interests. one small nitpick here though: the story seems a bit rushed. I don't know if I'm reading it correctly (it's one in the morning and I have terrible eyesight) but it seems slightly improbable for spike to completely forget his devotion to Rarity in just one daydl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Twilight_Sparkle.png

SpikeXDragon(ess) is samething what we can't read often.
We get SpikeXRarity, SpikeXSweetieBell, SpikeXAppelbloom or also SpikeXTwilightSparkle(by the last one mostly ClopFics).
I think I even see SpikeXRainbowDash, but Rainbow Dash get shipped with everyone.

And till now I must tell you...
... and give me ...

Rainbow stopped in midair, staring wide-eyed at the purple unicorn. Did Twilight know about Spike? "Uh… sure! Did you need some help, Twighlight?"
Was the misspelling a verbal fumble on Rainbow's part, or was it just a mistake?

[spoilers] I desperately needed moar and I found out this was already completed and read the rest of it on fanfiction...now I must go cry many tears for several hours. :raritycry: :fluttershbad: I DEMAND A SEQUEL!!! AND IT BETTER BE A HAPPY ONE!!!! :flutterrage: :twilightangry2:

Btw, great story, very well written. My only criticism is that I thought it was weird how Spike doesn't really question Sapphire's origins. You would think he would wonder where a random dragon who just showed up in the forest near town would have came from. I was surprised he didn't ask about her family or where she lived or something.

I'm feeling a sense of Deja Vu here (like I read this before) :twilightoops:

Dragonesses have hair.

Goddammit, what's with all these commenters demanding "moar" using awful image macros? :ajbemused:

For seriously, dudes. Cats telling the author to "proceed," babies with creepy faces, and fat guys hollering rapturously in Comic Sans won't make the chapters come out any quicker.

All of that said, this story looks interesting. Might give it a read later. :pinkiesmile:


1322961 Been a while since I've seen that movie. And I very much agree with you. Well, except for that the image you're replying to doesn't make me sick, it just puts me off a good bunch.

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