This story is a sequel to Noble Six
Spartans are refined by fire. Through great trials and tribulations are they made into the men and women they are. Noble Six fought through those flames. Now he rises to face an enemy even more threatening than his last. He must prevent his own race from eliminating the very friends he sacrificed himself to protect, or risk both species from falling to an even greater enemy bent upon their destruction.
Great responsibility weighs upon the shoulders of those with the power to make a decision.
Uhh I want to write something but I don't know what....
Nooooo why couldn't they obey twilight's orders :''(
Fuck you Shining, just.. just, FUCK, YOU. Someone give the damn moron a death sentence for starting a war with an ally.
Oh, and get the next chapter out soon, I'm excited!
Noble six gonna be pissed.
Jesus. If 200 unicorns can cause critical damage to five mid-size UNSC ships, I don't want to see what an army will do to a fleet of them.
I considered reading this but the description tells me literally nothing of what the story is about. Same with the previous story. All I know is that this is a Halo crossover. If you want to get people to read something give them a little more than that.
5106355 you didn't read the end of book one did you?
Shit just hit the fan. And its all over the walls and the town and everything. Everything is also on fire.
Stupid dumb humans-wait, actually this time it was the ponies fault. Specifically, Shining...
Well, we have one pissed, badass spartan, torn between his own species and those that saved his life.
Can't wait for more!
5108725 dude twas but a joke. of course i read spartans never die.
I keep reading all the dialogue in this in an accent generally associated by us unlearned Americans as Irish.
5103398 Everyone there including if not more so Shining Armor could be charged for treason... OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!
Ya gotta slow things down man...your stories move too quick and chapters are too short for that. still having trouble adding this to a favorites file or giving it a like...but ill see how it plays out. if this story isnt dead already.
5103398 cuz shining was a moron.
Watch as six tears both the UNSC and shinning a new one
6227675 yeah its gonna happen no matter what
6227675 they just NUKED ponyvile
6181587 to right
Well, that encounter was certainly... interesting.
I was a bit confused when I saw this in my recently updated list, but I'm glad it's not dead.
Well damn.....welcome back InfinitySlayer
Soldier's duty is Protecting humanity at all cost and nothing more. I have sympathetic for that frigate captain.
Oh boy...
Quick question guys...can you see my cover art? I've uploaded it multiple times, but I myself am incapable of seeing if you guys can actually see it. If you can't, could you please explain how to properly make the image show on the site? Thanks guys, and enjoy!
6943548 I cannot
Just figured it out! YEEEEESSSSS!
6943824 there we go
Aaaaaaaaw shiiietttttt
6943548 I can.
Well, the Elements of Harmony versus several heavily armed, heavily damaged UNSC warships, the ultimate goal being to "save" or "rescue" Noble Six?
Oh yeah, I'm sure this will end well.
To be honest, they will get killed easily if they try attacking the UNSC. The ponies who are trained for fighting will not stand a chance against the marines, even with the SPARTAN on their side. I see diplomacy as the best way to go.
Wolves! Yes!
Nerfed the humans, made ponies op. Humans perspective. :)
Edit: Are you feelin it now Mr.Krabs?
Engaging with hostile alien equines on Lethal force! Plot shield flared! Soldier-napped in under nose of captain! need to grap some more spartan IV to rescue six!
Navermind please.
Wait. I expect a pony casualty at least. No one is able to react fast enough to a bullet, especially in close quarters.
Jorge is a Spartan II not a Spartan III
Just fixed it, thanks for the heads up!
While I understand what you were probably talking about, this statement makes no sense.
Oh, that Captain has screwed up bad!
Well, shit. This gon be good!
Gee I wonder what's going to happen to the covenent
6978959 well since a few unicorns could damage 5 human ships that badly its going to end badly for them but that whould be too easy the author is most like going to make that dramatic and not that easy
6979817 yeah because authors never make it easy for humanity.
6979822 then you dont know many hie fics to be honest i whould make battle so that these aliens gu butchered pretty easily just to ruin the moment for the readers
6979833 eh nothing is butchered for me unless it involves time skips. I want the convenient to get fucking destroyed it'll be funny to imagine since I ADHD so I daydream alot
6979852 if the human ships are made of german steel then they win this without a problem the shots from thaat one ships whould just recoil and hit thier own ship
6979885 gee I wonder who came up with "german steel" oh you maybe because your name is german dash
6979892 stuff made in germany i always the best stuff and top quality there was once a german tiger I who got hit over 200 times by all kinds of anti tank weapons and tank shells yet that beauty was still able to drive 60km
6980082 ok you have me their that's awesome and incredible at the same time.
but sadly it may seem like Germany had the best stuff but they didn't. when they were making the Atlantic wall. (the wall of bunkers and guns that were used in D-day) they had little to no concrete left.
and plus tigers were mostly ceremonial tanks not actual combat tanks. and plus the production capability's of the USA out matched. Germany's, Japan's and the other country that was on the Axis side combined.
and in the end Germany lost another world war that was started by them.
both world wars were started by Germany. but ended by America.
(also holy hell this has to be the longest comment I've ever typed)
(also you get the privilege to be the person to prompted me to type it)
6980143 there is something wrong germany never started it it was serbia and austria germany was just forced into it because germany was allied to the austrians and tigers were actual combat tanks and you needed like 50 shermans for 3 tigers and one tiger could defend itself against 50 t-34 germany basicly only lost ww2 thanks to hitlers folloishness he even thought he could conquer the svoviet union in a few weeks