Princess Luna tripped and fell while dreamwalking, causing the night visions of everypony in Equestria to merge with one another. Now it's up to Twilight and her friends to group up in the dreamscape and "kick" the Princess of the Night awake.

It's okay, though. They've done this before.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 66 )

Couldn't stop laughing at Applejack's nightmare. Now I can't get the image of a two-headed Applejack out of my mind.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Twilight was at the store picking up groceries when she saw Rarity at check out,
"Oh Twilight could you be so kind as to send spikey over to the boutique as quickly as possable?"
She pouted "I'm just so far behind with my work":duck:
"That work wouldn't involve all the gravey you have in your shopping bag?":twilightoops:
Last week it was marsh mellows & chocolate sauce this week it's mashed potatoes & gravey:raritydespair:


Bahahahaaaaa...! That ending!

Poor Twilight...

~Skeeter The Lurker

One typo:

"At lash, Luna's eyes flashed open."

At *last*

Skirts makes with the gold. Every-damn-time!

"Viola! Easy!"

I can't tell if this is intentional or not. :applejackunsure:
Fluttershy fantasizing about the Equestrian version of Mr. Muscle is hilarious.
Also, the pink and green references are awesome.

*inserts moon there*

Oh god. I absolutely loved this.

One typo:

"Girls, I'm slightly reticent to leap forthwith into the inexplicable hallway of mystery and sparkles."


5067422 your profile picture gave me nightmares

Rarity: "Twilight? Did you ever find out who caused that "flood"?":duck:
Twilight: "Well.. um...":twilightblush:
Rarity: "Wait....That's odd, that young serving colt seems to be looking for somepony,... he's walking over to us, he seems to be carrying a pack of.... Oh dear....":twilightoops:

"Whatever works." Twilight hopped down along with the others. "Now..." She pointed up at the moon. "That's the beacon that will lead us to Luna."

"Really?" Rainbow Dash groaned. "The moon?"

"Somepony's been watching too much Star Trot: Voyager!" Pinkie squeaked.

Princess Luna confirmed for Commander Chakotay.

At last, she grasped the moon in her hooves. The thing was light as a feather. With one twist of her hooves, she tore the thing into two paper shreds. "Oh, dog gone it!" both heads hollered.

"Ah." Rarity smiled blandly. "I get it."

One of my favorite episodes of DS9.

This is what I love from you, Grorious Reader. The batshit insane stuff, but balanced with enough sanity that it doesn't get full of Squirrels. Great job. :ajsmug:

This was amazing! The concept would also make a good novel-length story, if you're feeling up to it.

At last, she grasped the moon in her hooves. The thing was light as a feather. With one twist of her hooves, she tore the thing into two paper shreds. "Oh, dog gone it!" both heads hollered.
"Ah." Rarity smiled blandly. "I get it."

... I think this is the only one i DON'T get, actually. A little help, anyone?

I'm already laughing at the cover without having read a single word :rainbowlaugh:


It's this, which was also the title of a DS9 episode.

You do good work.

Floating on a sea of dreams, sailing to a paper moon?

Im sure Ive read a poem about something like that somewhere, but I cant remember anything about it :pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2: Might even be a pop song.

"I'm seeing all sorts of trippy crud. Like... there's Scootaloo in some sort of airship, and a unicorn wearing a hoodie... and... and..." Her hawkeyes blinked. "Whoah, is that me making out with a goggled mare in a mech suit?!

Lets see, from what Ive read, I get DOAM, Lyra from a really disturbing story(sorry, Im horrible with names), and the last is Rourke Most Rare.:rainbowwild:

Also, Twilight, stop drinking just before bed. You go to the bathroom just before bed and drink on waking up. :facehoof:

I'll never be able to look at Mr. Clean the same way again.

This was a wild, fun ride. I always get a kick out of dreamscape stories, but you don't see a whole lot of them... or, at least, you don't see many that really take advantage of it the way this one does.

"I'm seeing all sorts of trippy crud. Like... there's Scootaloo in some sort of airship, and a unicorn wearing a hoodie... and... and..." Her hawkeyes blinked. "Whoah, is that me making out with a goggled mare in a mech suit?!

"Noir!" a feminine voice gasped from the other side. "Look out behind you! What is with the hole and the shimmering?"

"It's not one of my portals," droned a staler voice. "I think someone's attacking the Tower."

"This must be Slade's doing!" Someone else shouted, furiously. "Titans! G--"


Keeping this open in another tab and pressing it and random intervals greatly improves the reading experience

Great story as always. A perfect mix of surrealism and coherence. Fluttershy's wet dream involving pony Mr. Clean had me in tears! And those references...

"I'm seeing all sorts of trippy crud. Like... there's Scootaloo in some sort of airship, and a unicorn wearing a hoodie... and... and..." Her hawkeyes blinked. "Whoah, is that me making out with a goggled mare in a mech suit?!

Ha! Don't think I didn't see what you did there, there, and there...


*Alondro goes into this expecting Equestria to explode tragically after many ponies lament their existence...* :trollestia:

I get the feeling that Applejack has a few unspoken issues of unhappiness with her life on the farm, here.

You know, the only reason I clicked on this story is because, I'll be honest, I'm stoned.

A now I am very glad I read this stoned.

clicked on this in the middle of the night and forgot my volume was really high.:facehoof:

Scared the holy mother of feck outa me.


Scootaloo in the airship is End of Ponies, Unicorn in the hoodie is Lyra Heartstrings from Background Pony, and you got the Roarke Most Rawr. :ajsmug:

I love a good surrealist adventure. You kept it quick, snappy, and funny. Good work.

VNilla #32 · Sep 29th, 2014 · · 1 ·

"I'm seeing all sorts of trippy crud. Like... there's Scootaloo in some sort of airship, and a unicorn wearing a hoodie... and... and..." Her hawkeyes blinked. "Whoah, is that me making out with a goggled mare in a mech suit?!"

goddommot skirts



Sure. We'll go with "Sure."


That's the safest answer

The pacing could have been better, but I really liked it.:scootangel:

"Because we're locked in a nocturnal dream spell," Twilight said.

Then how was Scootaloo able to wake up when Luna was in her dream

"I must say, Twilight." Rarity glanced at Twilight's sides. "I can't help but notice that you're not in possession of your alicorn wings at the moment."
"Yeah..." Twilight sighed, her eyes thin. "The less we dwell on that, the better, thank you."

Twilight, stop being such a pussy about your wings

hehhe:fluttershyouch::fluttershyouch::fluttershbad::raritystarry::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia: Twilight had a gender swap!

aww this was really cute. I love how you made the other five react to the fluttershy dream. this is actually really strong characterization, even though it's, well, what it is.

the logic/world building was kind of random, but that's really minor.

Well that was entertaining. Loved the self references to Background Pony, Rainbow dash flies east series and End of Ponies....Which needs an update one year:rainbowwild:. Also Rainboarke is now my OTP.

5068199 That's not a typo.:twilightsheepish:

Huh. Well then.

Learn something new every day!

>"Detrot, Michigallop"

Goddamnit, now you're just fucking with us.

This was fun :rainbowkiss:

And I hope that the EoP reference isn't the most we get out of you Skirts :scootangel:

Oh god, classic skirts randomness. I love it so.

Also dat Rainbow/Roarke.

I used a bottle of Mr. Clop once. Made my floors all sticky.:trollestia:
Perhaps Flutters should dream about the Fruit Brute werewolf instead.
This was a fun trippy ride, so it's upvoted and faved.

Ixnay on the wingsnay."

Can't tell if Rarity doesn't know pig latin or the author doesn't know pig latin.

Loved this fic! Mr Clop oh my! And poor twilight drinking before bed silly filly!

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