• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2019



*Now the prologue to Finding Avalon.*
*Unable to be seen on Dark format*

"A Picture is worth 1000 words"

Sound Familiar?

I was told recently that writing wasn't really a form of art. I bet the guy who told me that, that I'd 'draw' a picture using only 1000 words, and make it as effective as any drawn portrait out there... this is what came out of it.

Writing is a powerful tool, one that allows you to imagine settings and occasions as vibrantly as if it were drawn out in front of you (often even beyond that, as if you were in the setting, seeing the world from a first hand account).

I hope whoever runs into this story enjoys!

*Before you turn tail and leave... there is actually a chapter here, and no, the story is not the image you see as my title... I wouldn't be that mean!

*Big thanks to Wanderer D for pulling some strings for me so that I could put this up!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

Fix your source link :moustache:

I wish I could paint a picture with words that well.

Wow. That was fast. Good work as always, Syn!:twilightsmile:

1639260 You used a shitty hash link :moustache:

This day aria, Life and Death of a DJ, and this have all been able to almost bring tears to my eyes, the only story to actually make me cry was My Little Dashie.
This was beautiful, you are a freaking genius.

Not quite sure how this is Slice of Life. Seems more Dark to me. Interesting none-the-less.

You seemed to have achieved your goal of painting a picture with words. Didn't quite send me into the depression that My Little Dashie did, but it is amazing nonetheless. A sad yay to you. :yay: :fluttershysad:

I didn't see what made this so special... I read it all, but it didn't do anything for me.

... Damn.

Faving this for:
1. the amount of description of a scene worth 10 seconds at most.
2. the fact that "0 words" amuses me. I guess a picture really is worth a thousand words.

:( I can't even read what it says. It looks like nearly all of Twilight's dialogue from different episodes in the series. Is there supposed to be an actual fanfiction, or just the "cover art"?

Read the story, and tried to read the story in the header picture. Now i got a headache :fluttershyouch:

Back to topic. Do you ralise how epic this would be if you med it into a full fledged story?
6 of 6 spikes: :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Took me a while to get this to work on my iPod, but I'd say it was worth it, Ive only seen one other person use this 'image story' but, when used correctly, it's really effective, and I'd say you used it correctly. Good job.

Ho Lee Schitt. How much did you bet him for? This is my new personal record for the most description in a ten second window. My mind conjured up so many different pictures of what exactly this looked like, and I can see everything from Canterlot to Manehatten. Allow me a few moments to pick up the pieces of what used to be my skull.

Yeah, whoever made this bet with you, lost.

This is a good piece of writing. In such a short space, emotions could clearly be seen, pictures could be painted, and conversations could be heard.

Props to you, Syn3rgy.

Hot damn! This is good, and the music was PERFECT!

fuck yeah...

epicness with words on the finest scale i have ever seen (and i've read Fallout: Equestria)

good job.

So yeah. In before featured. I wish I had had this idea before, but since I didn't, I'll drop a like and a favorite to boost this mutha to featured spot 1.

1640127 No problem! At first, I thought the chapter was just a picture that you had drawn and the mods had accepted, so this might clear some things up.

Oh, man. You painted one heck of a picture, and that picture is something that a drawing could never do justice to. To anyone who has ever questioned whether writing is art, this will forever crush their misconception.

Dam man you've done it again

I never saw the chapter get posted, sorry. I don't have time ti check, but is the image 1,000 words?

1650075 Exactly 1000 words.


My friend, you just won the goddamn game. Beautiful story, painted a picture, music helped too. Did I mention goddamn brilliant? Tiny grammatical errors, mostly stupid then/than errors, regardless; generally brilliant. Three thumbs up and a mug of vodka for you!

I Read it Twice. Both times the song finished with me. Great timing. This, is incredible. I really think this could go on, on a real long story. This is a plot that would start with a possible long and incredible saga. You should try this, if you want to.:fluttershyouch:

I think you did your job well, this really was amazing. Please keep using your great talent for this. I'm getting surprised at every single word I read from you.

This really painted a picture, Sad but beautiful.
between this and life and death of a DJ, I have to say you're amazing
I'll be watching you

1688282 Hey Naveron!

I thought I'd drop by to welcome you aboard!

I'll strive to empress :twilightblush:


Okay, that is really cool.

you are amazing. there is no getting around that.

Decided to troll through the rest of your stories after happening to see you comment on something or another. It was most definitely worth it. Btw, the music was bucking perfect in every way. It gave me goosebumps, and left me with the last few bars right after I finished reading. You...you made something great here Syn. Bravo.


I can`t see the picture that well. I need to draw it out. Cool story.

*Now the prologue to Finding Avalon.*

To what, now?

Man, that's some dark stuff right there.

And the formatting of the story (including the way the story actually paints the picture of a scene itself) is great.

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