Logic · 4:39pm May 3rd, 2014
Makes sense, right? I can't be the only one who thought this, right?
Sometimes, I mash my face against a keyboard, and stories come out. Sometimes, they're even good.
I'm ThunderTempest. I like science, physics, music and when I have free time, I write pony stories.
Constructive criticism is always welcomed.
I have a tumblr: http://thundertempest.tumblr.com/ You can ask me stuff on it, and I sometimes put up works in progress, or my original fiction stuff.
Thunder Tempest by OfficialThunderBolt: link
By UnknownPony: link
Makes sense, right? I can't be the only one who thought this, right?
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No problem. It was awesome!
Hi! Do you like muffins? (Very likely; almost everypony does!)
And another thing that almost everypony likes; Followers! Yay!
Have a virtual muffin and a follower for you, dear sir or lady
Feel free to return it, or not.
Oh, and never forget the good part of life; Have fun!
1064183 Sure, why not?
Hi! Random friend would you like a follow for a follow?
902608 Not a problem!