• Member Since 15th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 19th, 2021


01001000 01101001 01111001 01100001

Stories Approved by Twilight's Library


Took out the slide show cause was making stuff be all goofy so gonna do this instead :twilightblush:


General Post · 9:00am Jun 3rd, 2020

Just dropping in to say hi and hope everyone is staying safe.

Report L_Wolf · 269 views · #General

Bio Info Stuff

Hi, this my profile so I figure I should add some stuff here, let's see. I'm in my 30s and I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I'm also a fan of anime and I like all types of music. I really enjoy the FiM fandom though, it's probably one of the best I have seen. Everyone is creative and do a lot of good work, with writing, music and art work.

Story Info:
Most Liked: Twilight's Sleepless Night
Most Disliked: Elements of Failure

Now for favorites,

Main Pony: Rarity
Background Pony: Starlight Glimmer
Background Filly: Noi
Cutie Mark Crusader: Sweetie Belle
Princess: Luna
Episode: The Saddle Row Review
Song from the show: I'm Just A Pony
Pony Pet: Opal
Brony Musician: PrinceWhateverer
Brony Song: PrinceWhateverer - Taking Flight
Artist: NCMare

Comments ( 213 )
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