• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


I'm a brony who loves making fan-fictions and give my opinion on movies I've seen.



Scootaloo wants to find out the truth about her origin, and the source is closer than she thinks.

((this story is a sequel to the comic strips "Sorry I couldn't be there for you". I did not make the comics, but the creator gave me permission to make a sequel to the comic. Enjoy!))

http://matty4z.deviantart.com/art/sorry-I-couldnt-be-there-for-you-pg1-407774639 ((this is the link to matty4z comic.))

Special thanks to TheMyth for proofreading the story

((My first story to ever be featured on the home page))

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 526 )

i like it and please mark more chapters for this story

Really great! I had seen the comics before, and loved the concept. In my personal opinion, although you are laying it on a bit heavy with Fluttershy acting the way she does when she encounters Scoots, keep in mind you may wanna tone that down some, or have it more internal. In the show, there are many times she meets with Scoots and she doesn't give herself away. I understand this is alternate universe, but kinda try to have it fit in more.

Otherwise great job! Looking forward to more.

Really great start. Im going to follow this.

the feels are strong in this one

I was thinking of using that comic too for a story, what a coincidence. It should different when I get to it. Good start by the way.

its good i like it a lot keep up the good work

Not bad but I think you should work on your pacing some, also a lot of the character dialogue and interactions just seemed really rushed. good so far, though. :derpytongue2:

Tulip #10 · Feb 19th, 2014 · · 27 · A Dream ·

Saw this comic. Fluttershy is bitch here. She had her own home, work, position in society and she throwed her own child into orphangae because "she cant manage to have a foal?". Fuck her and author of this comic. If it is his/her view on parental role and duty, so i hope he/she will never had a child.

3968682 don't worry, there'll be more.

3968736 Thanks. But, this might be a stupid question, but how? :rainbowhuh:

3970310 She was very young back then. Be in her hooves and go through the same situation she went through. :ajbemused:

3970046 I figured there was a pacing problem. But I couldn't figure out what to come up with next. I'm still a rookie at this. :ajbemused:

3968716 Could you point out the errors so I can fix 'em, please?

Awesome this is so cute:yay:

Everyone was way out of character, the pacing was pretty bad, I noticed some grammar mistakes, and.... How did you even manage to call Scootaloo a "timid pegasi" when she's never been portrayed that way in the show? :rainbowhuh:

3970671 I was aware of the pacing. And how'd I call Scootaloo a "timid Pegasi"? Alternate universe. That's the answer to some questions. And pinkie is in character. Remember Filli Vanilli? Also, please point out the grammar issues. I can't find em. I'm blind when it comes to stuff like that.


You do realize that there are mothers who do this in this day in age? Most of them are way to young to take care of a child. So this story seems plausible as long as Fluttershy is very young.

I absolutely loved the comics, and I have a feeling that I will like this more. :yay:

I say track down the pony who abandoned Fluttershy and :flutterrage:make him suffer!!!! I really hope Scoots forgives Fluttershy quickly so they can be a family. :yay::scootangel:

I think the author was referring to Fluttershy as the timid pegasi

3973317 Huh, never thought of it like that. :rainbowhuh: I'm wanting an editor so bad, but I have no luck for that. Also, who was acting different? Was it Pinkie? Because in Filli Vanilli, she wasn't really making anypony laugh.

i'll take Scootaloo in, and help her remember her mother, I am the creator of equestria after all :heart: :scootangel:

3973658 I see. ok. I know it wasn't well developed, but I put down what came to mind. I'm still blind when it comes to grammar. I have got to get an editor! :ajbemused:

3974060 when comes the next part???

Not gonna thumb it up quit yet, but you have my attention. I'll fave it, just to keep track of it.

3974881 soon. I'll make this next chapter a bit longer and more in depth, I hope.

3975306 ok i hope it came out soon :)

A story for the comic that became my headcanon? Well I'm interested!
But yes, as people have said, a proof reader/editor would be a good idea.

I was going to point this out:

But I think that’ll cause suspensions or something


But someone already pointed out you need an editor

Anyway I love scootaloo so imma keep an eye on this, but the quality of writing and grammar has to improve or no upvotes for you :applecry:

So in this Universe, im guessing, Big Mac is the father?:duck:
cause there is a lot of FlutterMac matching fics:rainbowwild:

3976443 :ajbemused: That's what I've been trying to do! I'm going to get an editor for this story.

I like this so far, but there is something I would recommend. Each scene should go a little longer and a little more specific instead of just jumping quickly. I'll follow this fix though

MOAR!!!!! :flutterrage::scootangel:

3977477 I agree to this comment. It does seem to jump from one scene to another. My mind wasn't wanting to cooperate, so I decided to put down what come to mind. I'll fix it as soon as I'm done with the second chapter. And I give my word, this one will be a tear jerker like the comic. Won't spoiler anything, sorry. :trollestia: :rainbowlaugh: :heart:

Very nice story. That being said, I found some things you may want to edit.

Fluttershy walked pass Roselucks’ flower shop and walks over to Sugar cube corners where Pinkie Pie requested a favor to her come over and help her bake muffins for Derpys, because of a party she was planning; and Pinkie couldn’t say no to a party or two.

Derpy and Roseluck's names are misspelled and you consistently write Sugar cube corners instead of sugar cube corner. Also, I'm pretty sure that should be "past" instead of "pass"

Raritys little sister looked away and pressed on with her friends.

The needed apostrophe is missing.

“Fluttershy, I think it’s time you should tell her the truth,”

That quotation mark should be deleted.

Fluttershy widens her eyes and shook her head, “Pinkie, I can’t. If I told her the truth, I don’t know what would happen,” she thought about it, heart racing a little, “What if she gets angry, or furious, or sad?” she was about to freak out when Pinkie placed her hoof on Shys’ muzzle, shutting her up.

That should be "Shy's". Also you seem to switch between using past and present tense throughout the story.

she disconnected her hoof away from Fluttershys muzzle.

That should be "Fluttershy's".

Apllebloom and Sweetie Belle joined Scootaloo in the looking down boat, “We got little progress” Applebloom responded.

And that should be "Applebloom". I really liked this story and would like to see more.

3978619 THANK YOU!!!! thank you for pointing these out!!!! :pinkiehappy:

You have a lot of problem with tenses. At one point you use present tense, then you use past tense. You also forget punctiation at the end of a piece of dialogue. There should always be a full stop when you end a piece of dialogue unless you add a "She said" something like that, then it should be a comma.

I suggest you get someone to help you with the grammatical errors, and possibly someone that's willing to help you flesh out the story quite a bit more. It has potential, but it needs work, and a lot of it.

Not bad, but I did see a few problems. The most notable is you don't indicate scene breaks. The writing shows where they should be but there is no indication that there are any so this looks like one giant wall of text. Here is what I mean

Sweetie belle and Scootaloo nod and walked out of the room and out of the orphanage, heading to their clubhouse.

In Ponyville, Fluttershy walked past Roseluck’s flower shop and walks over to sugar cube corner where Pinkie Pie requested a favor to her come over and help her bake muffins for Derpy, because of a party she was planning; and Pinkie couldn't say no to a party or two.

There is clearly a change of scene there so you should give an indication of it. You could put a few ***** or use [hr ] (there should be a space there I just put one so nothing would happen). Here is how it could look

Sweetie belle and Scootaloo nod and walked out of the room and out of the orphanage, heading to their clubhouse.

In Ponyville, Fluttershy walked past Roseluck’s flower shop and walks over to sugar cube corner where Pinkie Pie requested a favor to her come over and help her bake muffins for Derpy, because of a party she was planning; and Pinkie couldn't say no to a party or two.

Here is the only other place where you ought to show a change in scene.

Pinkie shrugged, “Whatever you want, mamashy,” she smiled, “Come on, let’s make those muffins. Derpy can be a little impatient at time,” Fluttershy smiled and walked to the kitchen with Pinkie Pie.

A mile away, the CMC walk to their clubhouse. Scootaloo still couldn't process what she saw this morning. What did she see? Why did she have that dream? Those questions kept rolling in her head over and over. They walk past Sweet Apple Acres, only to stumble upon Big Mac who had returned from running errands for Granny Smith.

It'll make this look better overall, IMO anyway. Up to you if you want to do this or leave it as is. Other then that and some other minor errors others pointed out this is pretty good. Hope to see this do well :scootangel:

3980730 Thanks for pointing those out. I've edit that to make less confusing. :twilightsmile:

3980123 Well, can you point them out? I'm blind when comes to this stuff. Grammar, tenses, ETC. Also, I've mentioned this in the authors notes. :ajbemused:

Change in tense should be easy enough to spot.

"I am buying stuff" is present tense.
"I bought stuff" is past tense.

As for the dialogue punctuation, you just have to read through it yourself. Skim through the chapter and see if what I wrote in my first comment isn't done.

Regardless, I'm no proofreader or editor, I suggest getting one to help you.
You can try The Proofreader Group or Overly Extensive Editors. Both of these groups have people willing to help you out. I currently don't have the time anyway, sorry.

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