• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 29th, 2023

Dullmen Grey

Coming up with ideas no one asked for.


Hello again Fimfiction. · 7:38am Jul 22nd, 2016

I think it's safe to say I am back, some of you may have remembered me by my old username Gnomeflame. I am planning on creating some new fanfiction to upload to the site, so hopefully that turns out well. I am currently just trying to see where I am at in terms of writing, so whenever I do post, feel free to blast it apart if it winds up not being that great.

Report Dullmen Grey · 339 views · #Update
Comments ( 89 )
  • Viewing 85 - 89 of 89

I didn't delete any of these comments because of any backlash or anything like that, just a lot of them were the younger me asking for tips and what not, I don't dislike anybody here, just thought I should clear out my comments page is all. Everyone's names that are listed below are some pretty great peeps though, go check out their stuff if you have the time!

Comment posted by Celestias Paladin deleted Jun 13th, 2015
Comment posted by Dullmen Grey deleted Jun 13th, 2015
Comment posted by Celestias Paladin deleted Jun 13th, 2015
Comment posted by Dullmen Grey deleted Jun 13th, 2015
  • Viewing 85 - 89 of 89
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Hello again Fimfiction. · 7:38am Jul 22nd, 2016

I think it's safe to say I am back, some of you may have remembered me by my old username Gnomeflame. I am planning on creating some new fanfiction to upload to the site, so hopefully that turns out well. I am currently just trying to see where I am at in terms of writing, so whenever I do post, feel free to blast it apart if it winds up not being that great.

Report Dullmen Grey · 339 views · #Update