• Member Since 15th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 8th


I will follow you all :pinkiecrazy:


the impossible has been found! · 6:52pm Sep 6th, 2014

I found something that doesn't turn me on... It actually turns me off
Being drunk
Yea... I was so very very drunk last night.... I couldn't stand up with a lightpost to hug... (No hangover though... Thought that was supposed to happen)... Also, I can remember all of it with clarity... But I had two busty girls and two handsome men as drinking buddies... But there was no desire to grope... No lust at all... It was a very strange feeling :pinkiecrazy:

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Report Lilith911 · 1,208 views ·

I made some words · 5:49pm Aug 11th, 2014

hehe... :pinkiecrazy:
Anyway, two things,
A) I have a new story... short one, coming out, read it or be baked into a pineapple and strawberry cocktail... or you can have that anyway even if you read it! Then it's optional~

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Report Lilith911 · 658 views ·

dont you hate it when people link the images in the blog description so when you click it to see in your feed it links you? · 6:48pm Aug 9th, 2014

Anyone want to help edit a teen rated vore crossover? :pinkiecrazy:

Report Lilith911 · 673 views ·

Hey there :pinkiecrazy: · 8:18pm Apr 4th, 2014

Long time since i made a blog post... but now is a good a time as any~ :pinkiecrazy:
i hope all my little ingredients have been doing well and tenderizing themselves for me, ill be disappointed if you haven't

on a side note, i just tried to do four things:
add a story; it was accepted:pinkiehappy:
add a pineapple; it was eaten before it was fully processed:pinkiecrazy:

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Report Lilith911 · 665 views ·

Boo~ · 11:28pm Jan 15th, 2014

eeht sgniht,
tsrif, evah a nettik htiw a efink:

won evah a ynnuf oediv:

dan won a erom suoires eon (swearing):

And now the votes have been gathered and put in a stew!
Here are the results at the moment:

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Report Lilith911 · 881 views ·

What would all of you like me to do in my horrendously long breaks during school? · 7:08am Jan 12th, 2014

Okay, here's the cheese

And now here is the reason for this thread:
I have 2 hours break at the minimum... four at the most... I need to write to fill the time... here is a list of stories I have in my stories folder and descriptions of them, if you wouldn't be so kind, I would like for you to vote for one at the form I have linked for you at the bottom :pinkiecrazy:

I close voting on monday morning :pinkiecrazy:

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Report Lilith911 · 544 views ·

Banana · 1:55am Jan 11th, 2014

hello my minions, is everything alright?
good, that's good
have some fru- VEGETABLES!!!!

i tricketh thee!
I am a wyorm of wizardry!
A worm + a wyrm.... a WYORM!!!!!
nah, i'm just joking....
or am I?!?!?!?! :pinkiecrazy:

good to be back, hope you will all enjoy me enjoying watching... waiting... readying you for the final hour :pinkiecrazy:

oh... here you go:

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Report Lilith911 · 739 views ·

Third time's the charm! · 2:18am Sep 12th, 2013

more fruit?

well you got some anyway :pinkiecrazy:
my goal in this sibobduous blog... I think I'll keep that word... sibobduous now means random to the point of cheese :pinkiecrazy:
Simbobdious... *giggle*

anyway, now to the fruit of the heart

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Report Lilith911 · 982 views ·

Hey! Look! I did something! · 5:11pm Sep 2nd, 2013

Yea... You probably saw this on the feed anyway.... But I'm doing a blog anyway!
We made a story!
Vic Viper and I to be exact!
And it's not a straight up gorefic!
Well not yet!
Purple bowling balls!
Prepare your young nubile bodies for...
Everlasting Darkness!

Report Lilith911 · 412 views ·

Might I draw you in with some tantalizing fruit? · 3:16am Aug 25th, 2013

So, enough with the fruit, let me get down to the crust of the matter.
Crust... I like pizza, I think whomever doesn't like the crusts is... sane :rainbowderp::pinkiecrazy:
Anyway... Fruit!!!!
I don't even like fruit that much... I prefer vegetables... :pinkiecrazy:
If anyone would like to draw a cover picture for my collab thing... PM me

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Report Lilith911 · 683 views ·