Suggest who you want to see next in the Heartwarming moment series in my Blog.
I proudly register at, adding my voice to the global chorus of cricket aficionados
I may be relatively new here but I always enjoy a good story/read
will im known as a werewolf im Able to control my Werewolf Form even able to speak in it as well in yes I'm a Star Wars fan as well.
A Brony from North East Scotland, back after nuking his own profile in 2018. Currently rebooting my old stories from fimfetch before republishing
You know that one guy that knows everything about love but never had it. Thats me
Have you ever wondered what time is? It is a bundle of strings that weave, tie, break and rejoin, it forms a senery that connects the past, present and future.
I illustrated Gojipower12’s and JDPrime22's stories Check my DA: