• Member Since 26th May, 2015
  • offline last seen June 12th

Spartan III

I was a Halo fan but now a hardcore Warframe nerd.


Fashion Frames · 6:13am Jul 23rd, 2018

Report Spartan III · 233 views ·
Comments ( 38 )
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Cool, I wait. Till then good luck with hitting those A/4.00 grade headshots in College with the M6G! :trollestia:

I have one but it is not with me right now. Gotta focus on the upcoming university application.If things go well then i'll probably get it back from my cousin sometime next year.

You know what, you seem cool. You got Xbox One? I do. And a 360 lying around.
Name: Requiem Of Echo
Games? Well...

  • Battlefield 1 (All DLC) (Not Downloaded)
  • Battlefield 4
  • Titanfall 2
  • Fallout 3 (All DLC)
  • Fallout NV (All DLC)
  • Fallout 4 (All DLC)
  • Skyrim SE
  • Master Chief Collection (Halo 1-4)
  • Halo 5 (Not Downloaded)
  • Halo Reach #besthalo
  • CoD: Black Ops 1 (Not Downloaded)
  • Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (Not Downloaded)
  • Assassin's Creed ?: Syndicate (Not Downloaded)
  • DOOM (4) (Not Downloaded)
  • Watch Dogs (Not Downloaded)
  • Plus I have Game Pass so I have the game in their as well.

If ya Friend me message me saying Hi Grave Walker or something relating to this Account.

  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38
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