Almost Immortal · 7:17pm Nov 21st, 2015
Hello little comets! So I'm going to put up a little expectation scale for AI. About every three to four weeks, I will post a new 3k to 5k chapter of AI. Sometimes if I have a break from school or a slow week of HW they might pop up a tiny bit faster.
Au revoir mes amis!
Whoa... I have followers? I just checked this for the first time in about six months.... I forgot I had followers. By the way, I'm re-writing Almost Immortal! Expect 10-times the angst!
a very heartfell tank you for fav New Opportunities
thanks, hon!
1936514 You're welcome! Be sure to like my story.
1936403 heh thanks
Hey! I like your avatar and your page summary. So I'm following you.
Get used to it.
1921358 Thanks! If you follow me, I'll follow you.
1920348 You deserved it
Thank you for the follow!
1892517 I love your stories, keep up the good work!
Thanks for the watch!
1556792 /)(\
/) /) /)!!
Sexy-senpai strikes again.
That is ultimate victory.
Knowing you're right.
1486149 You win the satisfaction of getting it right
Did I win anything?
1483644 Yay! You got it!
Nope. None of us are free.