Welcome to the club for blank minds. We're here to help you turn that blank page into a world of wonder and originality that YOU created from scratch. No matter what you have- a case of long term writers block, jammed ideas, or just plain lack of inspiration, we can help you. With daily tips, photos, quotes, stories, and videos to inspire and fuel the mind, or just plain advice on writing, we hope to help get you on the path to an awesome future of original and exiting writing!
Greatest point that this group may ever make. Thank you.
No such thing. ^.^
It's just a euphemism/excuse for:
A) Laziness. (Lack of motivation.)
B) Crippling perfectionism. (So concerned with making it perfect, you can't stand to write an imperfect phrase.)
C) Being caught in a dead end. (When you need to revise previous chapters in order to move the story forward.)
D) Fear of criticism. (Don't fear criticism. It's the greatest gift you'll ever receive.)
So, don't say "I have writer's block." Find out what's really stopping you. Fix it.