Okay, Here’s Some Good News. · 10:56am Jul 2nd, 2020
I gave permission to this guy to rewrite my story, Love Songs to how he thought it should go, and I thought if I wasn’t exactly continuing it any more to let him give it a shot.
I like sandwiches and coffee. I also write a shit ton of smolcellus fics.
Like I said, I like Sandwiches, like, a lot. PB and J is the best. Don't @ me lol
My name is Nitro, I'm currently twelve(so if I'm being an asshole just know I'm immature and gladly point that out, don't go easy on me) and a bughorse. Reading I enjoy a little more, but, I like to write too.
I don't really care all that much about gender identification when it comes to myself, so, I'll just go ahead and put it out there: I'm genderfluid, call me what you want; I don't care.
Pronouns(not exactly important, but if you wanna know them): He/Him/His, They/Them/Their, She/Her/Hers (though I was born female)
- So underappreciated. It would be awesome if more people would give this one some more love. To me, they share some of the best chemistry out of most of the Young Six ships.
- This ship. Best gay ship ever. We see a lot of lesbian ships, but not enough gay ones. That's the problem, but this cushy ship keeps fixing it, and I love it.
- This one is good too. I feel like they're the spares more than Smolder and Ocellus, if you shipped the Young Six like I did. Even though I ended up seeing them as the spares(though idk why), I love them nonetheless, and (unpopular opinion, probably), but they share a lot more chemistry than Ocelbar or Yonabar.
- There're a lot of things I could cover here, but they're already pretty covered, so.
Well, here goes. I think I'm a generally fun person. While I'm not too fond of certain opinions, I don't exactly have a hard time comprehending why other people are, so, if you have a different opinion than mine, don't worry about it. We can celebrate our differences together!
I think of myself in the generally creative department(although when I write my Smolcellus ship stories, sometimes I can't even think of an original scenario.), even when the writer's block fucks me up. Anyway, I'm a pretty friendly person until when you get to know me, so, talk to me! I'm all ears!
OC(Original, Original Character:) Unreformed changeling with olive green eyes, a green buzzcut fade, green spikes in the form of a mow hawk and tail, and teal wings.
Pony Form: A unicorn pony with a light brown coat, a cream colored(dreadlocked) mane with a brown streak in it, and dark brown eyes. His mane is dreadlocked into a ponytail, but has a number of dreads coming down from the back of his head swept to the side of his neck.
Age: 12
Date of Birth: February 5th, 2008
Gender Orientation: Genderfluid (pronouns are- whatever you wanna see them as lol)
Technical Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual(though I tend to make jokes that since I'm fluid, I'm technically straight as long as I identify as the opposite of the gender I'm attracted to at the moment)
Height: somewhere at 5'6 - 5'7
Relationship Status: I tried asking someone out, it didn't work out, and now I'm currently fearing the grasp of heartbreak again since I'm such a special little snowflake.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, coding(sometimes), meeting new people(even though I'm antisocial)
Disorders(and, no, I'm not an attention whore, I'm just open about this shit, but idrk why): Depression(though there're a lot of preteen girls talking about how they have depression, so you could probably just ignore that), I'm also suicidal, but I'm not too sure whether that's a disorder or not. Also, see parenthesis in firstly for my thought's about this. And, yes, I'm fine. I've just been trying to get my life together before I have any REAL problems to deal with.
And, no, that doesn't mean I think depression and suicide aren't real problems.
Well, I think that's about it. Toodles for now!
I gave permission to this guy to rewrite my story, Love Songs to how he thought it should go, and I thought if I wasn’t exactly continuing it any more to let him give it a shot.
*giggles in warmth* UwU
Gibs Chu a cuppa Coco to go with your scarf
Adorable profile picture
Welcome aboard!