• Member Since 1st Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2016



Ughh... · 3:23am Oct 9th, 2014

Note: For the full story, check here. This is the short version.

My back hurts, I'm tired 99% of the time (thanks for starting at 7:50, school!) and I'm ready to cry at like any second.

So thats my week.

Report PinkAndYellow1025 · 355 views ·
Comments ( 226 )
  • Viewing 222 - 226 of 226

Stellar Eclipse is a 'wish' granted by the Make a Wish Foundation. He's actually Sylvain-Nicholas LeVasseur-Portelance's OC (his voice actor). So no, Hasbro&DHX couldn't have legally made a whole episode about him, and even if they could the kid is not a professional. You can read more about it here. I get what you're saying about the disability thing though, but it has already been done with Scootaloo's flightlessness.

Just thought you'd want to know.

Thanks for the fave on One Letter For One Rainbow, PinkAndYellow1025. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorite on Life is Precious! I'm glad that you enjoyed Rainbow's important life lesson.:yay:

Thank you (once more). :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 222 - 226 of 226
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