Ughh... · 3:23am Oct 9th, 2014
Note: For the full story, check here. This is the short version.
My back hurts, I'm tired 99% of the time (thanks for starting at 7:50, school!) and I'm ready to cry at like any second.
So thats my week.
Note: For the full story, check here. This is the short version.
My back hurts, I'm tired 99% of the time (thanks for starting at 7:50, school!) and I'm ready to cry at like any second.
So thats my week.
So I just got around to watching season 4 epsisode 22 (Trade Ya) and I noticed something- or more specifically, somepony.
His name is Stellar Eclipse.
So I know I'm extremely late in this, but I have something to say about this character.
I was just wondering if any of you would ever be willing to read a MLP/Avatar; the Last Airbender crossover story. The ponies are humanized, if that changes it...
It's just an idea I've been tossing around, and I'm not gonna post (if at all) until I finish because I like to go back and edit when I'm writing.
Would anyone ever want to read it? I've been told I'm a really good writer and stuff, so I'm just curious.
Hey everyone! First blog post!
Ok, I'm currently on vacation without my computer. I have found EG on YouTube in hd, but I want to wait until I get home to watch on my bigger screen.
And it is killing me.
I'm seeing people talk about how they've seen it and they loved/hated it and stuff and I want to watch it SO bad but I also want to wait until I get home in a couple days. I have it on my watch later list, and it is taking every ounce of my being to NOT click it.