• Member Since 13th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen May 15th, 2014

Rainbow Dash 55

Hey!! I love Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts!! I have 2 horses & 2 dogs. I love 2 read.


Frozen · 5:57pm Jan 3rd, 2014

Hey guys!! Have u seen Frozen?? It's amazing!!!!!

Report Rainbow Dash 55 · 396 views ·

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Comments ( 41 )
  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41

Your profile pic looks delicious! Is it chocolate chip and ice cream? :derpytongue2:

I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back and I asked,"why?"...​The angel said,"angels don't watch over angels!" Twenty angels are in your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine of them are playing and one is reading this message. God has seen you struggling with some things and god says its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in god send this to 14 friends including me, if I don't get it back I guess I'm not one of them. As soon as you get 5 replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you... Not joking. Pass this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested and god is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor. If you believe in god drop everything and pass it on TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. DON'T BREAK THIS. SEND THIS TO 14 FRIENDS IN 10 MINUTES IT'S NOT THAT HARD. WHOEVER SENT THIS TO YOU MUST CARE

1079991 omg i love it!!! thats so cool!!

1079976 Cool... Like my new Avatar? ( I drew it )_

1076599 Lol (I've had Pinkie Pie Mania 4 a while now :twilightsmile: ) no I just REALLY like cupcakes. I especially like 2 bake them.

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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Frozen · 5:57pm Jan 3rd, 2014

Hey guys!! Have u seen Frozen?? It's amazing!!!!!

Report Rainbow Dash 55 · 396 views ·

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