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- The noise, the sounds of life, all of it, i just want it to stop.dragenfire68 · 1.2k words · 22 0 · 1.7k views
we are legion
we are legion, we are every where
we watch every one, every day, all the time
you cannot escape what is every where, you cannot out run what you cant see or feel
you cant hide from what is always watching, always.
you cannot trick the watcher
you cannot scare the nightmare
you cannot out run the shadows
you cannot find peace where the darkness lies
you cannot lie to the listener
you cannot block out the screamer
you cannot lock in the isolated
you cant shun the rejected
you cant hurt the tortured
you cant destroy the ruined
you cannot light the void
you cannot escape the runner
you cannot condem the damned
where darkness lies the light never shines
the dark and light in eternal conflict
where suffering ends the pain begins
what is broken can never be repaired
we will always find you
for we are legion
dragenfire68 - we are legion
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