• Member Since 4th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Chain Link


So from the past it's been six years. Signed Formerly known as Red Cross · 9:51am Oct 27th, 2018

That's right I'm still around, but it's been a long time and a couple of name changes and a whole new oc.

So First off Yeah It is the Red Cross from 3 of me. Yes that fic and to all the friends I made I still remember and miss you. Say Hi if you see this.

Second I'm now know as Chain Link The dragons tongue black smith.

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Comment posted by Chain Link deleted Jan 8th, 2014
Comment posted by notMurphy deleted Jan 8th, 2014
Comment posted by Chain Link deleted Jan 8th, 2014
Comment posted by notMurphy deleted Jan 8th, 2014
Comment posted by Ian_Okazaki deleted Jan 8th, 2014
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