'A Hour Alone with Rarity' Sequel! · 7:55am Jan 24th, 2013
Kidding. :P
Rarity is best pony all years every year including leap years.
Kidding. :P
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How can you call this story a terrible piece of work? This is one of the best I've ever read!
Actually, I might do a drawing of it (not to put online) for my ceiling. In my room, I'm either tracing or copying pony pictures and taping them on my ceiling. I only have three pictures now, but when it's all done, I'm sure it'll look fabulous!

Eh, I found it on Pixiv somewhere. That was an insanely long time ago. It came as a set, featuring all of the mane 6 making that same face.
I quick Pixiv search for 'My Little Pony' ought to do the trick, their collection of pony images isn't that extensive so you should be able to find it with much success.
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