That's actually a pretty interesting fact.
I don't know where did they get that, but if it's true, it should be in every story.
I love long romantic walks to the fridge
I wonder if anyone noticed it in the last episode. But the symbol that appeared in the sky after Twilight ascended, and the symbol on the flags that those white mares were carrying had six small stars surrounding the main big one, unlike Twilight's cutie mark, which only had five small stars. Do you think it has any hidden meaning behind it?
Huh, that's weird. I made a blog post on my userpage yesterday with my thoughts on Twilicorn. I didn't use any obscene words and didn't insult anyone. It wasn't even a rant really, just speculations on what would make it a better episode in my opinion.
But now for some reason this post is gone. I mean, I know that noone gives a damn about my blogs and nobody reads it. So why did the administrators (I assume noone else could have done it) delete it?
I'm currently tracking a little over that 100 stories that are incomplete and all of which I'm reading when they are updated.
And I understand that writing a story is not easy. Damn, I'm even having trouble writing this short post and it's taking a lot out of me! But that's because English is not my native language and because I'm not a writer and I was never very eloquent with my speech.
Just a thought.
In the "Hearts and Hooves" episode, when the CMC make guesses about Cherilee's personal life, they never use the word "coltfriend" or even "boyfriend". Instead, they're using a neutral phrasing "special somepony".
Doesn't this technically imply, that it isn't necessary a "coltfriend", but it could also be a "marefriend" Cherilee has? With just one slip up like that, the creators of the show confirmed, that there are indeed homosexual relationships in Equestria, no?