• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 8th, 2013



welp, shit · 9:34pm Feb 4th, 2013

alright so i'm feeling good enough to post this blog so here's a rundown of what's going on.
>brother got me sick last night
>got me so sick i've been in bed this entire day so far
>just started feeling good enough to post this but i'll be offline after it's posted
>unable to write anything for the rest of today at the least. longer if it doesn't go away before then
> see you guys later

That's about all I've got to say
Thearcher20, out

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Blog Before Breakfast 2 · 3:05pm Jan 31st, 2013

so yeah, got a few things i gatsta say.

well not as many as i think i do.

okay first off, Respite of the Frozen Howls is more or less planned out for most of it. So yay for that I planned out a few thousand words more for it.

Second, I just may have to break it into three parts because of stuff and things.

Third, once this next chapter for Respite comes out im going to go working back on Steel Burner

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Random blog · 3:57am Jan 29th, 2013

Anyone know of Markiplier? No? Well here's a video to get the gist.....

and here is a conversation between me and my friend/editor about it.

[7:35:15 PM] thearcher20: well this will go very bad very fast
[7:35:47 PM] Nobrains: he's licensed don't worry
[7:36:05 PM] thearcher20: righttttttttttttttt
[7:37:11 PM] Nobrains: those lungs, they aren't needed
[7:37:31 PM] thearcher20: lol yep

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so heres what is going on now that i hit the shitstorm in the face · 4:54pm Jan 27th, 2013

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fucken hell (info on RotFH) · 2:48am Jan 26th, 2013

fuck life, fuck school, and fuck relationships (still in one but with shit going down i doubt it would be for long).

hate people

hate crazy people


probably wont write for the next few days so that almost complete final chapter of respite of the frozen howls wont be getting out until after this shitstorm is finished.

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Blog Before Breakfast (bbb) · 2:58pm Jan 22nd, 2013

so i decided to make a blog post to say a few things whether they are important or not.

First we just passed the 30 watcher mark!

yes well i dont know, i never got past the part about getting 30 watchers so im just gonna wing it random picture.

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so meh · 2:14am Jan 20th, 2013

yeah well i seem to have gone into a moot of sorts and homework is being jammed up my urethra harder than a hooker accepts hundred dollar bills for a "fun night".

i got something done in steel burner but not alot and i dont know if this is just temporary or if its permanent but its happened before and the best i got is to wait it out, wish me luck.

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so yea.. · 4:17am Jan 14th, 2013

just a few things to say before tomorrow the official day school starts back up for us here in [place redacted due to unknown reasons]

so i did a bit more in steel burners next chapter.

in other news i got a sudden new idea, got a huge table to work with since i've seen no character development with this guy other than killing the hordes of hell creatures and being kickass.

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late night blogging session · 5:13am Jan 13th, 2013

so yeah i cant go to sleep until i share this idea with you guys. but i promise it is epic as far as it sounds in my head.

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so a small roadblock is ahead · 11:43pm Jan 12th, 2013

yeahhh..... *scratches the back of my head nervously*

seems there is a bit of a problem writing this certain part in the next chapter of steel burner.

i know what is happening and i know what happens after it but i cant figure out how to play it out correctly -.- i've already had to rewrite alot of what i had down also so just a heads up the next chapter of steel burner may take a while.

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