Read this if you care at all about my stories. · 5:49am May 16th, 2020
I should probably start writing and actually working on my stories again, but at the same time I've completely forgotten where all my stories were heading... Should I just start over? I mean, both True to Form and Temporal Disequilibrium just aren't headed anywhere right now and probably won't be anytime soon. The only story I have slight interest in working on right now is Scripting Equestria, and even then I don't really like how it's turned out so far. I've learned some stuff from messing
why is that half the time I find a story I like that it's either a canceled or b never to be seen again.
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Thank you for also adding Always Watching to your favorites. Glad you're enjoying it!
Thank you for adding The Pony That Wanted To Be A Hero to your favorite. Glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you will enjoy the sequel when it comes out.
Thanks for favoriting Did Anyone Notice? Deuces!