Blog Posts5
68 weeksThe Campaigner - Sequel to HNE [Release Date: October 31]5 comments · 305 views
Friendship is Optimal:
The CampaignerTLDR: TC is set to begin releasing on October 31st, in just under two weeks, to coincide with the release of the final chapter of The Advocate.
Greetings, everyone!
333 weeksHeaven's Not Enough kinda-sorta sequel is done.2 comments · 552 views
It's finally finished. Release schedule is one chapter a day until all ten are out.
[Timberwolves: Guardians of the Everfree]
380 weeksUpdates on story WIPs.0 comments · 516 views
Hey, friends! I'm vacationing, currently writing you from a hotel in Mt. Vernon, Washington. For the three of you who care, I'll take a bunch of photos of the
survivalist campold factory in Concrete.For the rest of you, I have a couple of story updates too... one for the HNE sequel I'm supposedly writing, another for DonkAI.
387 weeksBest of Days (Art Showcase!)4 comments · 627 views
Arted by Sugary Violet!
Here's a quick story I whipped up on my phone, no proofreading or drafting done or anything. It's rough, but includes some previews for the settings in the HNE sequel I'm working on. Enjoy!
391 weeksHappy 23rd Birthday, Eliza!2 comments · 563 views
Happy August 8, 2017!
To celebrate the birthday of a fictional character (yeah sue me), I decided to make a couple of announcements.
First, I'll be attending BronyCon 2017! If any Optimalverse fans would like to meet up, hit me up in PMs! I'd love to meet other writers and fans.
The Optimalverse
Friendship is Optimal Hasbro just released the official My Little Pony MMO, with an A.I. Princess Celestia to run it. by Iceman 38,609 words · 4,308 · 138
The Advocate A desperate attempt to tweak parameters of the afterlife with weaponized semantics and friendship - An Optimalverse Story by Guardian_Gryphon 469,512 words · 120 · 27
The Campaigner A courthouse, embattled and surrounded by anti-upload terrorists, contains one specific soul that this AI simply cannot bear to lose. by Keystone Gray 601,353 words · 50 · 12
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It is pretty neat, isn't it? Sugary Violet drew it for Timberwolves: Guardians of the Everfree! She's an excellent artist, and I highly recommend her services if you want a good quality avatar or OC art. I'm sure she'd appreciate the business!
And yeah, I've seen some really strange stuff on this site. I think the absolute weirdest thing I've ever seen was a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl crossover fic. If I remember correctly, the protagonist shows up in Equestria after passing through a bubble anomaly. Afterward, he chugs vodka the whole time and kills everyone in Equestria a few times over with his rifle.
Woah, you've been on this site for like, a loooong time. The things you must've seen...
Kidding, just stumbled upon your page. I like your avatar pic.
This is my comment section. There are many like it, but this one is mine.