• Member Since 8th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen July 6th

Cat in a Hat

Sorry, this seat is taken. Yeah no, that one too. All of them. I'm occupying all of the seats, go sit somewhere else.

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  • 151 weeks
    Still Alive

    Turns out I'm still alive, and writing chapter 3 of Ambershine. I'm taking long breaks but, if anyone's even bothering to read this, know that I will finish that story, even if it takes me an inordinately long amount of time. I don't intend to rush it, either, this is just a 'do it when I feel like it' kinda deal. See you when I get there!

    0 comments · 109 views
  • 182 weeks
    Writing is Rewriting

    Which doesn't necessarily mean that the end result is really going to be any better, but, after writing chapter 2 of Ambershine I left it for one or two days and re-read it and god it was so BORING. So I started it again. And we'll see how that goes.

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  • 184 weeks
    So Much to Read

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Of Cats and Hats

Hello! I'm not actually a cat in real life, nor do I wear any type of headgear very often. I've never written fanfiction before, but reading a few inspired me to at least give it a try. And the tools on the site inspired me to add a bunch of graphics, because it's easy and I think they look cool. My main goals here are to occupy my recently gained free time and do some exploration and worldbuilding on the other creatures that inhabit the world besides the ponies. I hope you find anything you read here to be enjoyable, and I'll love any criticism you've got for me. Thanks for stopping by!


Still Alive · 12:28am Aug 30th, 2021

Turns out I'm still alive, and writing chapter 3 of Ambershine. I'm taking long breaks but, if anyone's even bothering to read this, know that I will finish that story, even if it takes me an inordinately long amount of time. I don't intend to rush it, either, this is just a 'do it when I feel like it' kinda deal. See you when I get there!

Report Cat in a Hat · 109 views · Story: The Ambershine Festival ·