Hello World! · 8:59pm Nov 27th, 2024
Yes, the title of my first blog post isn't the most creative thing ever. Oh well.
What're you doing here? Go read somebody else's bio!
Yes, the title of my first blog post isn't the most creative thing ever. Oh well.
Yes, the title of my first blog post isn't the most creative thing ever. Oh well.
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It's in the works! I hope to publish the first few chapters in January of next year at the latest, but it won't be fully complete at that time. Like I said in my (only) blog post, I intend to update it similarly to my Pony Tankers story. That'll be once every one or two weeks, ideally.
When will Stars Below be done? Can you publish it all in one go plz?
I'm excited, too!
It'll come out as soon as I finish my current story since I'd rather not have two projects running simultaneously.
I am w a i t i n g for that Luna story to drop..HYPE